Beyoncé Knowles
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Beyoncé's chart wheel

Beyoncé Knowles

September, 4th 1981 Local Time 10:00 AM Universal Time 3:00 PM

Houston, Texas, United States 29°45'N, 95°21'W

Forecast : 9th September 2021 to 8th September 2022

Beyoncé Knowles

September, 4th 1981 Local Time 10:00 AM Universal Time 3:00 PM

Houston, Texas, United States 29°45'N, 95°21'W

All times based on current location of Houston, United States

Jump to Planetary Positions

Passion & Persuasion – Q&A Forecast

Answers to your key questions. Gain a deeper understanding of dealing with a series of events. Overcome obstacles and make the most of the outcome.

Three questions and answers relate to each event and provide further helpful insight into understanding–and making the most of – what is taking place.

It is widely accepted and understood that the positioning of planets acts as a 'heavenly blueprint.' In other words, what occurs on Earth is represented above.

Your Passion & Persuasion – Q&A Forecast explains the planetary connections affecting your Inspiration (Neptune), Power (Pluto), Love (Venus), and Action (Mars).

Due to the regular orbit of the planets, your reading reveals the precise timing of trends and events.

Planetary movement(Transits) affects your birth chart and reveals significant variations of each planet's influence.

Long Term Trends & Events

Inspiration - Neptune
In your birth chart, Neptune represents your subconscious mind, inspiration, psychic receptivity, and also where you might be deceptive or deceived. But, on the other hand, it indicates where you are most intuitive, spiritual, and compassionate.

Neptune Keywords: distortion, dreams, fantasies, ballet, film, illusions, music, painting, photography, psychics, poetry, and spirituality...

Power - Pluto
Pluto represents where you are most likely to experience intense powers of creation, destruction, and frequent, radical change in your birth chart.

Pluto Keywords: Control, fury, obsession, passion, revenge, secrets, sex, taboo subjects, and transformation.

Month By Month Forecasts

Love – Venus
In your birth chart, Venus represents what and who attracts you. Your artistic inclinations, attitudes toward romantic relationships, and creative talents or aspirations.

Venus Keywords: Arts, beauty, boudoirs, confectionery, dance, desire, entertainment, fashion, femininity, intimacy, justice, lingerie, love, money, music, relaxation, and sex.

Action - Mars
In your birth chart, Mars represents your assertiveness, how you pursue your goals and apply yourself passionately and competitively.

Mars Keywords: Anger, armies, butchers, guns, heat, heroes, inflammations, iron, knives, locks, passion, penetration, razors, stamina, sport, surgery, and virility.

Your Transit Calendar

Neptune Trends & Events

Inspiration - Neptune
In your birth chart, Neptune represents your subconscious mind, inspiration, psychic receptivity, and also where you might be deceptive or deceived. But, on the other hand, it indicates where you are most intuitive, spiritual, and compassionate.

Neptune Keywords: distortion, dreams, fantasies, ballet, film, illusions, music, painting, photography, psychics, poetry, and spirituality...

August 15th 2021 onwards to November 9th 2021


A new and exciting light

Transiting Neptune Retrograde Trines your natal MidHeaven, REPEATED when direct from 22nd December 2021 to 4th March 2022. Exact 4th February 2022

It might be necessary to accept how you're changing and seen in the eyes of others. You have instigated a process of change– and are likely increasingly aware of how set-in-stone ideas, ideals, and attitudes are shifting. With this will come new-found confidence and belief that can play a wonderful part in altering how others see you.

Will I have control over how I project or convey myself to others?

You can dictate entirely how you wish to be seen. But be prepared to apply some imagination to achieve something you're happy with.

Why might I feel a need to change how I'm seen?

You could be aware of how others have seen you inaccurately. It's also possible that something connected with your status requires you to apply more imagination. You have a superb chance to make first impressions!

Will others be aware of how my attitudes are shifting as well?

This is something that will likely be reflected in your new-found confidence. A new 'you' is emerging, and the pride you feel with doing so will be undeniable.

September 9th 2021 onwards to February 15th 2022


Fuller heart

Transiting Neptune Retrograde Trines your natal Moon

Generosity knows no limits or boundaries – apart from those we set ourselves! We also know that not everyone who has huge sums of money in bank accounts is happy. Such ideals are likely to be ones you're becoming aware of now. It is your heart that is becoming fuller. You can see many clear benefits to expressing yourself creatively, artistically, or spiritually.

What if I don't believe myself to be creative, artistic, or spiritual?

Then you probably won't fail to come up with new and more profound ways of conveying or expressing yourself. But your imagination is your ticket to identifying and connecting with these.

What might be responsible for my heart feeling fuller?

This could be due to putting less emphasis on material interests and pursuits. You're encouraged to appreciate that life requires us to show kindness and compassion to others and not focus so intently on material gain.

Will I be able to encourage others to think similarly?

That's very likely, once they see for themselves how happier you are with others by feeling happier within yourself.

January 19th 2022 onwards to March 18th 2022

Rediscovering yourself

Transiting Neptune Squares your natal Neptune

How you interact with someone or others in your world depends on how willing you are to dwell less on your fears and focus more on your hopes. But you are learning more about what and whom you want and need – and why! With that, will come an understanding of how wonderful your life - and relationships with those within it - can and deserve to be.

Am I starting to regain clarity regarding what and who is most important to me?

That's precisely what this process is all about.

Although I'm becoming clearer about what others can offer me, shouldn't I be as clear about what I can offer them?

You're probably already clear in your mind about this. But you have a chance to assess what you stand to learn from others and how they can support your most important aims - or dreams.

If I haven't expressed what's most important to me to others, then do I have a chance to do so now?

The time to do so is, in many ways, ideal.

February 12th 2022 onwards to April 8th 2022

Managing energies and emotions

Transiting Neptune Sextiles your natal Chiron

A strong link could exist now between what you think and feel. However, your thoughts and emotions are softened as kindness and compassion become more integral to your interactions with others. You might feel extra sensitive, but this opens the door to learning more about managing energies and emotions instead of suppressing them.

If I become kinder or more compassionate, am I at risk of being taken advantage of?

The opposite is likely true. The more of both you offer, the more both you're likely to receive.

If I feel extra sensitive, then won't I feel even more uncomfortable?

It's the way you feel extra sensitive that enhances the authenticity with what you say or convey.

What if I prefer not to release energies and emotions?

You look set to discover how suppressing them is more difficult - or potentially painful - than releasing them.

Pluto Trends & Events

Power - Pluto
Pluto represents where you are most likely to experience intense powers of creation, destruction, and frequent, radical change in your birth chart.

Pluto Keywords: Control, fury, obsession, passion, revenge, secrets, sex, taboo subjects, and transformation.

December 15th 2021 onwards to February 17th 2022

Against the flow

Transiting Pluto Sextiles your natal Uranus, REPEATED when retrograde from 14th July 2022 to 25th December 2022. Exact 30th August

You could be driven by a strong, inner desire for change. It might even be driven by a desire to 'shake up' a situation to see what the result might be. In any case, you're right to succumb to the desire to do something differently or radically. The world admires people who stand out from the crowd, even if they're seen to be contradictory or uncooperative at first!

But am I likely to invite a tidal wave of change that I won't be able to control or manage?

Although the change you introduce or instigate could be intense, it's unlikely to be unmanageable.

If I'm determined to shake up a situation, then is that because I've had enough of it as it is?

Not necessarily. You could be aware of the potential within it that isn't being exploited.

Is it possible that I could inspire others to do the same?

That's likely. You could also be seen as rebellious, but for all the right reasons.

Forecast for 9th September to 30th September 2021

Monday 6th September

Time and space

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Uranus from 6th to 10th September 2021. Exact 9th September

What's needed now is space. Breathing space. Thinking space. An arrangement is shifting, and as positive as the process is, It could highlight differences that exist between you and someone. Allowing each other time and space to adjust to what's changing is timely and wise.

Is it possible that I and someone could gain a new level of clarity by granting each other time and space?

That could certainly happen.

Shouldn't we be working together to adjust to this change?

That can happen once you and they establish and agree upon each other's needs.

Will this change disrupt any plans we have already created together?

You're likely to find that whatever alters is an improvement on where things stand currently.

Friday 10th September

A reward for being brave

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mars from 10th to 12th September 2021. Exact 12th September

You could be asked to 'accept the impossible.' You want to give in to indulgence but are aware of how common sense dictates that you would be foolish to make a hasty or risky move. It is time to be strong, proud, daring, ambitious, and, above all else, confident. If you can manage all of the above, then natural processes unfolding will restore your faith and spur you on to make something wonderful, heart-warming, and long-lasting happen.

Am I encouraged to be adventurous and enjoy myself but restrained at the same time?

You appear to have answered your own question.

Am I likely to venture into new and adventurous territory?

That could be exactly where you're heading.

But am I at risk of being in any way reckless or careless?

That possibility exists. But both qualities can be curtailed if you remain confident instead of overzealous.

Monday 13th September

Joining forces

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal North Node from 13th to 17th September 2021. Exact 16th September

There is a need for you to be a bit more flexible or accommodating than you're perhaps used to being where your involvement or interaction with someone is concerned. Whatever competition exists now can be healthy, it needn't be negative.

What if my reason for appearing inflexible or unaccommodating stems from a belief that I am right?

You could be right. But someone could have a valid point as well. That's why common ground needs to be found.

But if I and someone spend much time trying to find common ground, won't that delay the result we both want?

A perfect result relies on you and someone bouncing ideas off each other until you arrive at it. This process might require more flexibility on your part to happen.

What if somebody is determined to push their point and not listen to mine?

If anything, it could be the other way around. You may have pushed your point enough already. Now, it's time to listen to someone else's.

Also on Monday

Courageous and determined

Transiting Mars Trines your natal South Node from 13th to 17th September 2021. Exact 16th September

Your ability to know instinctively how to balance your emotional needs and desires with your most cherished ambitions is heightened now. Perhaps this is the result of having applied numerous trial-and-error approaches to success in the past – or possibly in a previous life. Expect to see how you are more courageous and determined as a result.

If I'm successful with my most cherished ambitions, then won't my emotional needs be taken care of automatically?

You're encouraged to see the distinct line that exists between the two. But you could also see how one supports the other.

Although I might feel more courageous and determined, will I still need to apply a 'trial and error' approach to achieving success?

Yes, that's likely. But don't underestimate how you're armed with more experience-based wisdom now.

Will this wisdom not help me to identify a shortcut to success in some way?

It's unlikely to help you identify a shortcut, but it can certainly help you to overcome obstacles that were unfamiliar to you previously.

Wednesday 15th September

Drop barriers

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Mars from 15th to 18th September 2021. Exact 17th September

You could be aware of how and why you ought to put your needs and desires first. Look closely at how defensiveness might play a part in this. Then, look more closely at why you have no reason to feel so defensive!

If I feel react defensively to putting my needs or desires first, then presumably, it's because I believe others don't take these seriously?

That could play a significant part. But you could be overlooking the levels of support you do have available to you from others.

What reason might I have not to feel so defensive?

Try asking for support from others rather than waiting for it to arrive.

Do I need to make clear what I want or need?

Perhaps you've been waiting for others to put two and two together regarding this. Unless you speak up and make clear how they can assist you, they could assume all is fine.

Thursday 16th September

Time to speak up

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 16th to 20th September 2021. Exact 18th September

When we know we cannot put off any longer the need to make our point, we accept we must take the initiative to do so. That's what you're capable of doing now. You're able to engage in necessary communication with a certain person. Trust that what needs to be said can be said clearly and coherently.

Even if I feel pushed to speak up or make my point, will I know what to say?

Your words are underpinned with much passion. If you allow them to emerge authentically, then making your point won't be difficult.

Is there any risk that this discussion could become heated or confrontational?

It is possible. But it probably has more to do with your belief in what you say and the assertiveness you apply in saying it than wanting to start an argument.

Will I need to make an effort to conceal frustration or impatience?

It's very likely. You could feel that circumstances dictate the need to have this discussion or exchange rather than you wanting to have it. But focus instead on the opportunity that has arrived that you may have waited for.

Sunday 19th September

It's moving forward

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Sun from 19th to 22nd September 2021. Exact 21st September

In your world now, you probably suspect you're standing still. You're not. You are making real and tangible progress. You probably suspect a certain situation is far from ideal and makes little sense. Actually, it is ideal and makes a lot of sense. This is a time to look closely at what appears imperfect and discover that there is a real reason to believe you're much closer to the desired scenario than you probably believe.

But how will I spot the clues if they're not already apparent?

You need to look at your current circumstances from a different perspective.

How is it likely that something that hasn't made sense will suddenly make sense?

With this new perspective in place, you will see what you haven't seen previously.

Will I know how to use and apply these insights when they arrive?

The new information that arrives will empower you in new ways. And a new way forward will become clear.

Sunday 26th September

It's worth doing properly

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 26th to 30th September 2021. Exact 28th September

'A job well begun is a job half done.' So goes the old saying appropriate for you now. Rarely, is there such a perfect time for launching a new idea or pursuit. Success bodes well, but its chances are increased significantly by ensuring you focus effort positively and constructively.

Does this opportunity not deserve the maximum effort I can apply to it?

Considerable effort will be needed, but read the part about applying it positively and constructively. Hastiness or impatience can't form any part of your strategy.

What is so special about this time compared to other times I've tried to put this plan into action?

You have celestial support to apply a much more consistent and structured approach. Those are your essential ingredients for success.

Does it matter how I apply effort as long as I do so?

In the same way any goal requires a plan supported by consistent effort, you mustn't apply yours sporadically.

Monday 27th September

Listen to your heart

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Moon from 27th to 29th September 2021. Exact 29th September

You're starting to get a strong inkling into what's coming next in your life. Let this motivate, inspire, and guide you, but don't turn it into a fixed expectation. While you're becoming more psychic as well as creative, you need to be sure that you are tuning in to your inner voice of wisdom and not your inner-voice of fear. Your heart is in the future, tending to the best interests of the people you care about, and it's beckoning to you to follow it now.

What if the inkling I receive is inaccurate?

You're likely to find that it's deeply intuitive, and you can trust it.

What if my inner voice of wisdom tells me to be fearful?

Then that would be unwise.

What if others don't want me to tend to them so strongly?

Again, your intuition will dictate the extent to which you should assist with others' needs.

Also on Monday

Bringer of harmony

Transiting Venus Trines your natal MidHeaven from 27th to 30th September 2021. Exact 29th September

You are superbly placed to diffuse a tense situation and replace tension with friendliness and warmth. You needn't invest considerable effort into this. Simply be yourself, and it's possible you can create harmony effortlessly. Your personal world can be affected and influenced positively with a love of beauty and desire for peace. By being instrumental in building bridges or assisting with the extension of olive branches, you can bring a positive change in your romantic or personal world.

What if I've tried to diffuse tense situations in the past and regretted doing so?

Don't underestimate your ability to create a balance where one is needed now.

What if my idea of balance and harmony differs from somebody else's?

As long as plenty of sensitivity or affection underpin your actions, you're unlikely to fail to get someone on your side.

But although I can encourage balance or harmony, surely the ball is in someone else's court to do the rest?

Correct. But you could set the scene wonderfully and create an ideal environment to make progress within.

Forecast for October 2021

Friday 1st October

Where is effort needed most?

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 1st to 5th October 2021. Exact 3rd October

You're encouraged to assess how likely it is you really will get what you want. You can either continue investing maximum effort or accept how downsizing your expectations slightly might bring you something you can be equally proud of.

Won't downsizing my expectations be more deflating than motivating?

Try to see it as being more realistic about what you're trying to accomplish or attain.

If I slow down my effort, won't I prolong the arrival of success?

Don't underestimate the momentum you have working to your advantage. Give it a chance to catch up with your efforts.

If I've had my heart set on a particular outcome, then won't I feel disappointed at accepting a different result?

It won't take long for you to accept how a different result is more appropriate and promising.

Saturday 2nd October

Choosing wisely

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 2nd to 4th October 2021. Exact 4th October

Be careful about what – or who – you're potentially 'falling' – or wishing - for. This isn't due to you not getting what you want. It has much more to do with you likely attaining what or who you want only to discover that you should have been seeking something or someone else. Should you choose to pursue a particular plan or dream, then be certain it feels right from the outset. An incorrect choice could result in a situation that might take a long time to free yourself from.

Does that mean a 'chase' is likely to be more fun or interesting than a 'catch'?

That's a distinct possibility.

But what if something feels right from the outset and I discover later that it isn't right?

If you trust your intuition implicitly, then you're unlikely to go wrong.

What if I trust my intuition, and still end up in a situation that will take me a long time to free myself from?

Then there's a chance you embarked upon something hastily or without checking in with your heart to confirm how important it was to you.

Thursday 7th October

A brainwave

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mercury from 7th to 10th October 2021. Exact 9th October

Powerful forces are being unleashed in your life. You're not quite sure how you ought to be acknowledging or adapting to them. Let the solution that is determined to make its way to you come to you and then embrace it. It is precisely what you need now.

But am I not likely to be powerless against these powerful forces?

Not at all. They exist to help and support you.

But if I wait for a solution to come to me, then does that mean I will wait a long time?

That's difficult to say, but trust that this solution is trying its darndest to find you.

When it arrives, will I be able to see immediately that it's what I need?

That's likely to be the case.

Also on Thursday

Embrace long-awaited change

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mars from 7th to 9th October 2021. Exact 8th October

A development appears to be unfolding that you've wanted to see happen. A new phase of your life is about to begin, and you have an exceptional opportunity to 'break new ground' where your personal world is concerned. Where certain relationships are concerned, rules can be rewritten, and horizons expanded. All that is required from you is confidence mixed with a tiny amount of courage.

What if I don't feel ready for this new phase of my life to begin?

You're in the throes of a process that has been building gradually. It shouldn't come as a surprise, and it's likely to be one you've anticipated.

Does this mean I have a new learning curve to embark upon with relationships?

One could be on offer if you want one. But you're likely to feel more adventurous, daring, and courageous when it comes to love, passion, and intimacy.

Am I at risk of being too overbearing or overpowering?

It's not impossible to be both. Fortunately, your passionate efforts are likely to be underpinned with enough affection to make them unselfish.

Wednesday 13th October

Look closely at what's good

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Saturn from 13th to 16th October 2021. Exact 15th October

You might not be able to change an undesirable situation, but you can change your attitude toward it. If you're willing to look closely at what is good in a situation you're inclined to believe is more tedious or uninspiring, then you will soon see it from a much more positive perspective.

What if I adopt the wrong attitude toward this situation?

You're likely to adopt a more realistic attitude - and that's what will be the right one.

But if I see something as tedious or uninspiring, then shouldn't I take a drastic step to change it?

You can change it but not drastically. You just need to spot what's helpful within it as it is.

How soon will this new, helpful perspective arrive?

That depends on how soon you're willing to look beyond what's obvious at what's positive.

Also on Wednesday

Passion and affection

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Venus from 13th to 17th October 2021. Exact 15th October

You're blessed with exceptional levels of passion and warmth to form a close, loving relationship or strengthen one. You bring an abundance of energy to a connection that is extremely affectionate - and intensely intimate!

Is it likely that this passionate energy will be returned to me?

What you offer is heartfelt and authentic. If it's applied sensitively, then there's every reason it will be reciprocated.

Is there a chance that my passion could be overpowering?

Yes, unless you allow someone to catch up with it.

What if I want to keep things more loving than intimate?

You're not at risk of losing control of your passion - or libido! Trust your instincts to help you to create balance where it may be needed.

Also on Wednesday

Get yourself noticed

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 13th to 17th October 2021. Exact 15th October

Focus on improving certain skills or an environment that might be more conducive to furthering yourself within. Broaden your horizons. Learn something new. You could gain much admiration for your efforts.

Do I need to be particularly realistic about the goals I pursue now?

Focus on one that inspires and motivates you. The more that passion fuels your actions, the more successful you'll be.

What if I have tried to succeed in others' eyes and failed?

You have new levels of passion underpinning your efforts now. Put it to good use.

Could I be a leader in others' eyes?

Absolutely! Don't underestimate how others in your world could look to you for leadership once they see your results speaking for themselves.

Friday 15th October

Listening is key

Transiting Mars Squares your natal MidHeaven from 15th to 19th October 2021. Exact 17th October

This could be a time when you address certain needs - and whether someone can satisfy them. By taking the initiative and making clear what you need and why you need it, you give someone the chance to do the same. Provided you're both willing to listen, then a compromise can be reached.

If I believe someone can't satisfy my needs or they're overlooked, then is there any point in having this discussion?

You have a choice about whether this exchange happens. But if you do want to make an improvement, then you have a chance now to make clear what you think and feel.

Am I at risk of being seen to be needy or demanding?

If you state what you need authentically, then you won't be seen as unreasonable.

What if I find somebody's needs to be too demanding?

The purpose of this exchange is to reach a compromise. That's what's on offer if you and someone are receptive to reaching it.

Saturday 16th October

Let the real you emerge

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Sun from 16th to 19th October 2021. Exact 18th October

Try to muster more self-respect and dignity. That doesn't mean you have a specific reason to be more self-respectful, but neither does it mean one isn't being created. If you want to emerge from any situation with the ability to walk tall and proud, then abandon concerns about how you look in the eyes of others. Trust what you feel to be right, and don't succumb to any pressure from certain people about what you should feel.

What if I believe I possess enough self-respect and dignity already?

Then you shouldn't struggle to apply both in ways they're needed now.

What if I'm unconcerned about how I appear in the eyes of others?

That might be the case normally, but it may not be the case now.

Does this mean others believe they know what's best for me?

It's possible, but that could be due to you suppressing authentic qualities that need to emerge. The more others see the real you, the more they'll probably give you the space you need.

Also on Saturday

Imaginative energy

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Neptune from 16th to 20th October 2021. Exact 18th October

Whether or not you believe yourself to be blessed with artistic or creative abilities, you have a fantastic opportunity to blend passion with creativity. You have an abundance of energy to apply imaginatively. Focus it on what truly inspires you.

But what if I'm not in any way artistic?

Then you could find that you focus your energy or summon the courage to take a step toward making a dream or vision real.

Is it possible that others might be inspired by what I create or pursue?

It's very likely. The passion that underpins your imaginative efforts won't be overlooked or ignored.

Is this a good time to declare my love for someone?

Indeed, it is. You could find that you express yourself with the eloquence of a poet or create vivid pictures with your words.

Sunday 17th October

Confidence is key

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 17th to 19th October 2021. Exact 18th October

We know how attractive confident people can be. We know how attractive we feel when people are appreciative of us and our abilities. You're about to experience a much-needed boost to your confidence. You don't need to find a big 'new' solution. All you need to do is channel confidence into allowing an existing solution to give itself a chance to work – and it will!

What will bring this boost to my confidence?

That could arrive for one of several reasons, but trust that it's happening for a good and timely reason.

What if this solution has failed in the past?

Chances are, it has proved helpful previously and is likely to do so again.

How long will it take before I see evidence of this?

That depends on how able you are to summon the necessary levels of confidence. And you're supported in more than one way to do so!

Also on Sunday

Assessing the situation

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 17th to 20th October 2021. Exact 19th October

Can you feel the pressure mounting? You could feel pressured to take action. But before you invest valuable time and energy, take stock of what doing so might achieve. Be aware of the difference between taking the initiative based on careful thought and simply succumbing to pressure to do so.

Should I trust that I'm pressured to take action for a good reason?

Absolutely! But part of this pressure involves assessing carefully the best or most effective way to apply it.

Are there not benefits to taking a spontaneous step and hanging the consequences?

Think of the saying about using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut. You could be at risk of applying much more force than is necessary.

What if I see no reason to delay taking this important step?

Then take it boldly with all your heart and don't look back!

Sunday 24th October

Reasons to be grateful

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Venus from 24th to 27th October 2021. Exact 26th October

It's easy to overlook or ignore completely how beautiful the world in which we live truly is. Too many people regard life as a constant struggle instead of the precious gift it is. Expect, very soon, to see reasons to be grateful for all that is wonderful where your interactions with certain people are concerned. Prepare to be inspired - even if others fail to see what you have to be so happy about!

Am I at risk of seeing something unrealistically or idealistically?

No, you're about to see life or a particular situation through a warmer and more loving lens.

What if I see how wonderful my interactions with others are, but they don't?

That's a clear indication of you seeing magic within certain interactions that they don't yet see.

Why do I sense that I'm at risk of appearing daft or foolish in others' eyes?

You probably won't be able to help feel what you feel but try not to feel too sorry for those who don't understand.

Also on Sunday

Taking initiative

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 24th to 27th October 2021. Exact 26th October

We know that, when the going gets tough, the tough are known to get going. Perhaps, you've grown accustomed to wanting something and feel you deserve it. Now, it is probably becoming clear that to attain what – or whom – you want, you have to demonstrate your keenness or worthiness. Don't shy from the challenge offered now. You can make tangible progress with a particular person - and possibly surprise yourself and them at the same time.

What if I know I am both keen and worthy of attaining what I want?

It's the universe you need to confirm this to.

What if the challenge is one I won't succeed with?

If you adopt that attitude, then that's likely to be the case. This is a test you can shine admirably with.

Am I likely to gain more respect?

That is likely - and in the eyes of more than one person, too.

Tuesday 26th October

No second-rate substitutes

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Neptune from 26th to 29th October 2021. Exact 28th October

You could be inclined to shrug your shoulders and tell yourself that something is 'as good as it's likely to get,' and you'd best make do with what you have available. Push aside all logic and reason. Listen to your heart and what your intuition tells you. Then, you will soon be able to see how right what you're offered now really is.

What if I believe I've pursued every option and that I'm right to think that something is as good as it's likely to get?

If you think that, then that's your first clue that you haven't explored or pursued every option!

But if I push aside logic and reason, am I not at risk of seeing something unrealistically?

It's by pushing aside logic and reason that you can connect with something that needs to be seen with a more open, receptive, and imaginative mind.

How long will it take me to see how right whatever is offered to me is?

That depends on how open, receptive, and imaginative you can allow your mind to be!

Also on Tuesday

The key to happiness

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Pluto from 26th to 29th October 2021. Exact 28th October

You are granted an exceptional opportunity to be happy. To seize and benefit from this opportunity, all you need to do is stop dwelling on what might go wrong in a situation. Avoid being overly cautious or pessimistic. If you can relax and believe an uncertain situation can and will improve, then you could be surprised at how much quicker happiness permeates your world.

But if I sense something is likely to go wrong, then what if my fear is not unfounded?

It's possible you've told yourself something enough times that you believe it. It's time to adopt a more open mind.

But is it possible my cautiousness or pessimism are justified?

That's unlikely to be the case, and they're probably two of the biggest obstacles you face currently.

What if I allow a situation to improve on its own and discover that it doesn't?

Then you will be going against the grain of what the universe encourages you to do. Listen closely to what it asks.

Friday 29th October

Honest appraisal

Transiting Mars Squares your natal North Node from 29th October 2021 to 2nd November 2021. Exact 31st October

You could see reasons to dig your heels in and be less accommodating. But does that really benefit you? That's a question you need to ask yourself now.

If I'm being stubborn, then presumably it's for a good reason?

Your stubbornness could conceal a fear. Consider that.

Is it possible that stubbornness on my part reflects my determination to do something my way?

It's possible. But be honest with yourself about how you delay progress by not taking the initiative or being open-minded in some way.

Will digging my heels in send out a message to others that I can't be taken advantage of?

Doing so is likely to make you appear unnecessarily inflexible and defensive. You could end up pushing away the support you might need now or in the future.

Also on Friday

Owning up

Transiting Mars Squares your natal South Node from 29th October 2021 to 2nd November 2021. Exact 31st October

Everyone has regrets, bitterness, insecurities that need to be worked through. However, this is a time when you must not only own up to each but take positive steps to free you from nurtured defensiveness that may have turned into aggressiveness.

What if I find aggressiveness comforting and don't want to remove it?

You have a chance to release suppressed negative energy. Aggressiveness should not be top of your list.

What if I have found that nurturing aggressiveness has prevented others from hurting me?

By doing so, you may have kept at bay anyone who intended to do that. But it's essential to accept how you also prevent others who want to bring love and warmth into your world from doing so.

What if I'm still reeling from a painful episode that needs and deserves to be protected by aggressiveness?

You have a chance to not only see any painful episode in the right perspective but to understand the benefits of freeing yourself from it or them.

Saturday 30th October

Step back quietly

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Mars from 30th October 2021 to 3rd November 2021. Exact 1st November

You can sidestep an argument and make real, tangible progress by counting to ten and refraining from responding in a way someone expects you to respond. Be sensitive and as understanding as you can possibly be.

But if I feel provoked, then should I make this clear?

Your instincts will guide you toward reacting and responding in the right way. Doing so aggressively or confrontationally shouldn't be an option.

If I'm sensitive and understanding with someone, then will they be the same with me?

You're likely to receive what you give now. If you want sensitivity and understanding to come your way, then offer both unconditionally.

Does the fact that I must count to ten and consider my reaction mean that I am likely to be the catalyst for confrontation?

You've hit the nail on the head!

Forecast for November 2021

Saturday 6th November

Facing what needs to be faced

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mercury from 6th to 9th November 2021. Exact 7th November

You must accept how, by ignoring something that needs to be acknowledged, you're not coming close to creating a solution. By denying the existence of a problem, you also deny yourself an opportunity to take constructive action to remedy it. Deal with what you are trying to ignore. It isn't as daunting as it appears. Life will become sweeter once you have faced what needs facing.

Is it possible I'm dealing with something that I don't believe a solution exists for?

For reasons known best to yourself, you're adopting a negative or pessimistic view toward something that should be seen positively and optimistically.

But is it possible I'm choosing to ignore whatever-it-is because it offers something painful or upsetting?

Only you know why you're ignoring what you're ignoring. You have a chance now to see it through a more positive lens.

But if I believe it to be daunting, then is it not fair to say it is daunting?

It probably only appears that way because you choose to see it that way. You think you're dealing with a Bengal Tiger, but what you're really dealing with is a kitten!

Saturday 13th November

A boundary needs pushing

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Saturn from 13th to 16th November 2021. Exact 15th November

It's time to assess what you believe to be impossible or immovable and see how far you can exceed an expectation. Look closely at what you have available and how, with effort, imagination, and a healthy dose of courage, you can improve what you have. Accept what - or who - you truly want and remove the idea of failure of getting it or them. Be brave - and willing to push your luck.

What if I'm setting my sights too high by trying to exceed an expectation?

Chances are, you've grown accustomed to particular boundaries or restrictions. It's time to push both.

Will the process of improving what I have be lengthy?

It might not be immediate, but you can accelerate it with the right balance of courage and imagination.

What if I pushed my luck in the past and regretted doing so?

That was then, and this is now. A calculated risk taken now could be extremely beneficial.

Sunday 14th November

On the same page

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Sun from 14th to 18th November 2021. Exact 17th November

As keen as you might be to have an open and honest conversation with a certain person to ensure you agree about what you want, someone may not share, on the same level, your needs or ambitions. But if you focus on common ground that does exist, then something exciting and worthwhile can be built or strengthened.

Should I not have to make an effort to convey what I need or am keen to achieve?

If you don't, then you assume that someone understands both. That's where problems can arise.

Will finding common ground require a lengthy conversation?

Much depends on how willing you and someone are to listen to each other.

Will the effort involved with whatever we create together be balanced?

The division of effort is something you can discuss and agree upon from the outset. That's what you have a chance to do now.

Tuesday 16th November

The secret to happiness

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Sun from 16th to 20th November 2021. Exact 18th November

Is there a recipe for happiness? Do we need to stick to a rigid plan to be happy? You have much support available to attain what many people spend lifetimes trying to find or manifest – happiness! You have a rare opportunity to experience a rise in your status in more than one person's eyes. But it is one person in particular who looks set to see you in a much different and positive way.

What if I reach a stage where I should be happy but am aware that I could be happier?

Slow down! Get to that stage first before you decide if you don't feel content. (But chances are, you will. )

Does a rise in my status mean that I could be seen as a leader?

Possibly but not necessarily in a traditional or an obvious sense. You could gain more admiration from others, which makes you a leader in other ways.

Who is the most obvious person that will see me in a new positive light?

Only you know the answer to that question - and if you don't, then the answer looks set to become obvious soon!

Wednesday 17th November

Confidence in measured doses

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Jupiter from 17th to 20th November 2021. Exact 19th November

You can cause much to happen with the sheer force of your will. This, combined with an ability to be smart and lucky, puts you in a strong position. But avoid any tendency to be unnecessarily forceful or overly determined. Where your relationships with certain people – and likely one person in particular – are concerned, you can achieve a spectacular result. Be realistic and confident. But not too confident!

But if I'm trying to make something happen through sheer force of will, then does that mean I'm trying too hard?

Not necessarily. You probably have an accurate understanding of how much force to apply to make progress in any way.

But can I still be at risk of being unnecessarily forceful?

There's a balance to be found between being confident and forceful. It's your confidence that you need to be guided by, not your ability to be overly-determined.

Is it possible to be too confident?

It is, especially when any level of complacency sets in. Your efforts need to be consistent and measured, not excessive.

Saturday 27th November

A way must be tried

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Moon from 27th November 2021 to 1st December 2021. Exact 30th November

You're encouraged to initiate a previously untried plan. Don't be daunted by how 'new' an idea or opportunity appears. If you're willing to take a brave step and give effort toward something you've long considered doing, then a positive result can – and will – be achieved.

What if I have a history of trying to make progress previously and failing?

That was then; this is now. If anything, you have lessons from the past that you can apply to the present. Don't allow any previous failures to dictate the outcome now.

What if this new idea takes a lot longer than I thought to get underway?

You must balance applying passionate energy with the levels of sensitivity. If you get that balance right, then you will see reassuring progress made.

Will it be only me who benefits from my efforts?

You could be surprised at how the progress or you bring - or success you achieve - benefits others - and possibly family members

Also on Saturday

Quest for perfection

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Venus from 27th November 2021 to 2nd December 2021. Exact 30th November

Things might not be as smooth and comfortable as you'd like them to be. But the drama you sense looming is unlikely to be anywhere near as tense, important, or threatening as it appears, either. All you need to do to bring a near-perfect result in your relationship world is refrain from worrying or trying too hard to achieve perfection where 'near perfection' will suffice!

What if I discover that the drama I sense looming turns out to be worse than I anticipated?

You need to be honest with yourself about why you're determined to create perfection in some way. The higher you set your expectations, the more intense the drama might be.

What if I believe that any worrying on my part is justified?

There is a connection between setting your expectations too high and worrying. Lower your expectations and then see how your worries diminish as well.

What if I don't believe 'near perfection' will suffice?

Then you may need to be brutally honest with yourself about why you're so obsessed with achieving perfection. Remember, perfection is an illusion. Even when we believe we have achieved it, there's always room for improvement. Life's too short to get so fixated on something that doesn't exist.

Sunday 28th November

Back on track

Transiting Mars Trines your natal MidHeaven from 28th November 2021 to 2nd December 2021. Exact 1st December

What plan are you following now? Is it one destined for success or failure? Perhaps it's time to determine if you're heading in a right or wrong direction. If you sense that a particular goal needs to be brought back on track, then now is a perfect time to do it.

What if my instincts are wrong about the direction I'm heading with a particular goal?

You don't have to alter your strategy if you're reassured it is the right one. But if it has been some time since you assessed it, then that's what you're encouraged to do now.

Is this also the right time to assess if a particular goal is still as important to me as it once was?


If I haven't yet achieved success with my goal, then how will I know if my plan is right or wrong?

You can determine this by being honest about the steps you are taking consistently to achieve your goal. If you're not sticking to an original plan, then that needs to be addressed for more than one reason.

Also on Sunday

Look no further than a mirror

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Ascendant from 28th November 2021 to 2nd December 2021. Exact 30th November

Even if you wrongly believe you aren't 'measuring up' to someone else's ideas of attractiveness, have faith in how you are attracting the right attention from the determination you are showing in some way. You know something or someone worth having is worth giving proper effort toward – and that, in itself, is attractive!

But am I likely to appear to be struggling rather than determined in others' eyes?

Your determination will probably more evident than any sign of a struggle.

Am I kidding myself about what the reward will be from investing so much effort?

That's very unlikely.

What will be so attractive about me being determined to get something or someone?

Obvious passion underpins your efforts. You want whatever or whoever it is from the depths of your heart. We don't see that often.

Monday 29th November

Powers of attraction

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Moon from 29th November 2021 to 3rd December 2021. Exact 1st December

The air of confidence and degree of attractiveness you're exuding cannot and should not be ignored or underestimated. But, it's great that you're seen as such an attractive option. But what do you intend to do with the influence available to you? Use it wisely. Use it effectively. Use it to draw a special person toward you or captivate one person whose attention you've wanted for some time.

What if I exude confidence and attractiveness on the outside but don't feel both on the inside?

If you are conveying both qualities externally, then you can be certain that they are the result of what you feel inside.

How will I know if I'm using the influence available to me wisely and effectively?

Your instincts will undoubtedly be the best guide regarding both.

How quickly will I be able to draw somebody's attention or them closer to me?

That depends on how much affection and sensitivity underpin your words or actions. But also remember that all positive change is gradual.

Tuesday 30th November

Addressing confrontation

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Chiron from 30th November 2021 to 4th December 2021. Exact 2nd December

It could be time to accept that any frustration that fuels anger must be dealt with bravely and directly. You can bring healing to your world by addressing honestly the reasons why confrontation, aggressiveness or hostility find their way into your closest connections.

But what if I find it summoning anger helps me to express myself?

You could be unaware of the pain you inflict on others by doing so. Coming events could make this clear.

Is it possible others overreact to my assertiveness?

Although you might believe you're assertive, others might believe you're aggressive. You have a chance to address the imbalance.

What if others give me a reason to be confrontational or even aggressive?

Then you have a chance to understand the hurt this causes them at times. If nothing has been said to you in this respect, then it could become clear now.

Also on Tuesday

What feels right

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 30th November 2021 to 4th December 2021. Exact 2nd December

In what way or ways is love you're capable of giving being directed? It appears you have options regarding how best to 'distribute' love you can offer. Trust that you don't have to be as cautious as you feel you must be with deciding who is worthy of the love you can provide. Give where it feels right, and you will discover, to your delight, how loved you are in return.

If I'm cautious, then does that mean I have a fear of being hurt?

Possibly. But it could have more to do with you being uncertain about who to offer love to.

But even if I trust what feels right, am I at risk of being let down or disappointed?

That's unlikely to be the case if you listen intently to what your inner voice tells you.

How long will it take before love is returned to me?

That depends on how soon you get started. The sooner you offer love, the sooner you can expect it to be reciprocated.

Forecast for December 2021

Thursday 2nd December

Pushing obsession aside

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 2nd to 6th December 2021. Exact 4th December , REPEATED when retrograde from 30th December 2021 to 3rd January 2022. Exact 2nd January 2022

You're encouraged strongly to make a choice. To do this, you must accept what or who might have become an obsession and why you need to be more objective. This is a time to gain perspective and make decisions based on fact or at least what feels truly right and sensible, and not be bullied into following a path of least resistance because it appears an easier option.

What if I don't believe I've become obsessive and believe instead that I'm determined?

Ah, that's where the line could be blurred. Determination may have become obsessiveness.

What if I want to take an easy option?

Then you're likely to return at some point soon to consider or pursue a more challenging one.

What if I'm misinterpreting what appears right and sensible?

If you're able to push obsession aside, then you'll probably find that you can focus easily on what is both right and sensible.

Sunday 5th December

Ringing the change

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 5th to 9th December 2021. Exact 8th December

The need to introduce a change could stem from your belief that an arrangement cannot continue as it has done and must alter. You're encouraged to introduce a change to a tired or tedious situation. Doing so will soon bring a fresh start - and a fresh perspective.

Am I at risk of creating tension or confrontation?

That can't be ruled out. But you can make your point or propose your change without being aggressive.

Is what I'm determined to change likely to affect someone else?

Very likely. It could be a commitment or a shared arrangement that you feel must change. But if it benefits you, then it's bound to benefit someone else as well.

Will the direction that I take this new situation in be obvious from the outset?

Possibly, but focus on how you have introduced a change that you felt was overdue. With that in place, you're superbly positioned to receive the fresh insight coming your way constructively and positively.

Saturday 11th December


Knowledge is power

Transiting Venus Retrograde Sextiles your natal Uranus from 11th to 26th December 2021. Exact 18th December

There is little you need to do to encourage what has been hidden into the open. Minimal effort on your part is required to make right what has been wrong of late. You're about to be in a stronger and more knowledgeable position from information that will come to light shortly. It might not have you punching the air with joy. But you will be grateful to be in a stronger position to know precisely what you will need to do next.

Is whatever is brought into the open likely to be uncomfortable or upsetting?

It might be uncomfortable due to how suddenly it appears. But you will spot the benefits soon afterward.

How will I know to trust what is revealed?

You're about to experience a Eureka Moment of some kind.

Will it be obvious immediately that I'm in a stronger position?

That is very likely.

Sunday 12th December

Putting heads together

Transiting Mars Trines your natal North Node from 12th to 15th December 2021. Exact 14th December

You can, if you wish, pursue something alone or singlehandedly. But the more you surround yourself with individuals who want what you want, the greater your chances of success are.

Won't this mean that I will need to share the success with others?

Not necessarily. You can continue to pursue an important aspiration on your own while gaining helpful insights from others about what works for them.

What if I feel motivated enough on my own and don't need to interact with others?

Choosing not to interact is entirely your choice. But even if you gained one helpful nugget of information that transformed your outcome, that would be time well spent!

What if I'm the one providing helpful information to others, and I don't receive the same in return?

There are far more benefits than disbenefits to surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals now. If you don't want to share ideas, then connect with others' passion for what they are keen to accomplish.

Also on Sunday

Mutual energy

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal South Node from 12th to 15th December 2021. Exact 14th December

Your ability to balance personal needs and your ambitions is heightened. You're able to curtail your assertiveness to allow someone to speak openly about what they expect from you. Having a shared goal to focus fervent mutual energy toward is the icing on the proverbial cake!

Does this mean I must listen more than I speak?

There are many benefits to doing so. You know how you can balance your personal needs and ambitions. It's important to allow someone to explain how they can do the same.

Is it possible that I feel assertive because my way of doing something is right?

You might have the right idea about how you and somebody can accomplish something. But you owe them a chance to explain their point of view.

What if I end up investing more effort toward this goal than someone else does?

That's what you have a chance to address now. You and they can ensure that effort is balanced from the outset.

Monday 13th December

The force is strong

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Mars from 13th to 16th December 2021. Exact 15th December

Some people believe that the best way to win an argument is to shout louder than the other person. Others adhere to a saying about 'whoever shouts loudest is heard.' Being overly defensive or argumentative is something you may need to keep an eye on now.

If I feel I must make a point passionately, then is that not the best way to ensure I'm understood?

The only thing anybody you make your point to will understand is the need to become defensive. That does not help your cause.

Will I get more respect if I'm seen to be more assertive?

Being assertive is one thing, but being confrontational or aggressive is another. Creating tension or enhancing defensiveness on anyone's part won't gain you respect.

But might I appear weak if I don't take a stand or defend my point?

Real strength will be obvious to anyone if you're seen to be flexible, accommodating, and willing to compromise. That also includes being willing to listen.

Tuesday 14th December

Take a stand

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Mercury from 14th to 18th December 2021. Exact 16th December

The need to strongly convey or defend a point needn't always result in animosity or bitterness. You are in a strong position to gain respect from a certain person by standing up for yourself in some way now. They might even thank you for it.

Is it likely I will feel pushed to do this?

Quite possibly. But it could have much to do with you sensing the time is right to do so.

Am I at risk of creating tension unnecessarily?

You can make a point or convey yourself without being aggressive or confrontational. It's your belief in what you say and the passion that underpins your words that could win someone's respect.

How do I ensure I instigate a calm and rational discussion happens rather than an argument?

Making your point passionately is essential, but so too is listening. Make sure you allow someone a chance to have their say as well.

Thursday 23th December

Keeping calm

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Saturn from 23rd to 27th December 2021. Exact 26th December

How much are you willing to endure? Your toleration limits are high, which, given the situation you face now, bodes well. Adopt a 'keep calm' strategy. If you keep your emotions and impulses in check, then all will be fine.

Will reacting emotionally bring a better result?

That's unlikely. What's needed now is a structured and practical approach.

But rather than keep calm, shouldn't I be doing something?

By keeping calm, you are doing something! Keeping emotions and impulses in check will ensure you see a situation realistically and come up with the most practical solution.

If my tolerance limits are tested, then does this not mean that at some point they'll break?

You're encouraged to summon tolerance now for a good reason. It's by doing so that you will see the most logical step or steps you need to take.

Tuesday 28th December

Keep adrenaline in check

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 28th December 2021 to 1st January 2022. Exact 30th December

You are motivated by a need to boost your excitement levels. But be aware of how heavy-handed your keenness to do so may come across to others. Give them time to come to terms with this - and prepare for what you expect from them!

So my passionate enthusiasm could be more deflating than inspiring?


Will my ideas about how to boost my excitement levels be greeted positively eventually by others?

Much depends on how determined you are to make your point. Your enthusiasm could be infectious. But your heavy-handedness could be an issue.

Will it help if I made clear that I have others' best interests at heart?

That probably would help. Using words like 'we' and 'us' rather than 'I' could achieve that.

Also on Tuesday

If a job's worth doing…

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Sun from 28th to 31st December 2021. Exact 30th December

A change in a situation is likely to only come from your efforts. Stick with what you know works best or will produce the best outcome. You know you can steer this situation in a new direction - and with positive and pleasing results.

If I'm going to take control of this situation, then should I refuse help or support from anyone else?

Not if you're certain you need either or both. But you probably need less of either or both than you think!

In taking control of this situation, am I taking it into new or unexplored territory?

Possibly. But your intuition won't fail you regarding whatever direction you take it in as being the right one.

If I prove my abilities on this occasion, is it possible more responsibility could come my way in the future?

That's precisely what could happen.

Forecast for January 2022

Saturday 1st January


What feels right

Transiting Venus Retrograde Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 1st to 5th January 2022. Exact 4th January

In what way or ways is love you're capable of giving being directed? It appears you have options regarding how best to 'distribute' love you can offer. Trust that you don't have to be as cautious as you feel you must be with deciding who is worthy of the love you can provide. Give where it feels right, and you will discover, to your delight, how loved you are in return.

If I'm cautious, then does that mean I have a fear of being hurt?

Possibly. But it could have more to do with you being uncertain about who to offer love to.

But even if I trust what feels right, am I at risk of being let down or disappointed?

That's unlikely to be the case if you listen intently to what your inner voice tells you.

How long will it take before love is returned to me?

That depends on how soon you get started. The sooner you offer love, the sooner you can expect it to be reciprocated.

Sunday 2nd January


Powers of attraction

Transiting Venus Retrograde Sextiles your natal Moon from 2nd to 6th January 2022. Exact 5th January

The air of confidence and degree of attractiveness you're exuding cannot and should not be ignored or underestimated. But, it's great that you're seen as such an attractive option. But what do you intend to do with the influence available to you? Use it wisely. Use it effectively. Use it to draw a special person toward you or captivate one person whose attention you've wanted for some time.

What if I exude confidence and attractiveness on the outside but don't feel both on the inside?

If you are conveying both qualities externally, then you can be certain that they are the result of what you feel inside.

How will I know if I'm using the influence available to me wisely and effectively?

Your instincts will undoubtedly be the best guide regarding both.

How quickly will I be able to draw somebody's attention or them closer to me?

That depends on how much affection and sensitivity underpin your words or actions. But also remember that all positive change is gradual.

Monday 3rd January


Look no further than a mirror

Transiting Venus Retrograde Squares your natal Ascendant from 3rd to 7th January 2022. Exact 6th January

Even if you wrongly believe you aren't 'measuring up' to someone else's ideas of attractiveness, have faith in how you are attracting the right attention from the determination you are showing in some way. You know something or someone worth having is worth giving proper effort toward – and that, in itself, is attractive!

But am I likely to appear to be struggling rather than determined in others' eyes?

Your determination will probably more evident than any sign of a struggle.

Am I kidding myself about what the reward will be from investing so much effort?

That's very unlikely.

What will be so attractive about me being determined to get something or someone?

Obvious passion underpins your efforts. You want whatever or whoever it is from the depths of your heart. We don't see that often.

Also on Monday


Quest for perfection

Transiting Venus Retrograde Squares your natal Venus from 3rd to 8th January 2022. Exact 6th January

Things might not be as smooth and comfortable as you'd like them to be. But the drama you sense looming is unlikely to be anywhere near as tense, important, or threatening as it appears, either. All you need to do to bring a near-perfect result in your relationship world is refrain from worrying or trying too hard to achieve perfection where 'near perfection' will suffice!

What if I discover that the drama I sense looming turns out to be worse than I anticipated?

You need to be honest with yourself about why you're determined to create perfection in some way. The higher you set your expectations, the more intense the drama might be.

What if I believe that any worrying on my part is justified?

There is a connection between setting your expectations too high and worrying. Lower your expectations and then see how your worries diminish as well.

What if I don't believe 'near perfection' will suffice?

Then you may need to be brutally honest with yourself about why you're so obsessed with achieving perfection. Remember, perfection is an illusion. Even when we believe we have achieved it, there's always room for improvement. Life's too short to get so fixated on something that doesn't exist.

Saturday 8th January

Guided by your heart

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Venus from 8th to 12th January 2022. Exact 10th January

Conditions are ideal for demonstrating or conveying positive and affectionate feelings. Your feel-good factor looks set to be boosted wonderfully. Be guided by your heart - and appreciate why it might be beating a little bit faster!

Is it a case of the more I express myself passionately, the better the result will be?

Underpinning your words and actions with passion will leave somebody in no doubt about how you feel. But blending passion with affection is just as important.

Is the onus on me to reveal thoughts and feelings, or is someone encouraged to do the same?

This process is one that you're likely to have to instigate. But it's the passion and authenticity that underpin your words and actions that will encourage someone to be equally open with you.

Does the fact that my heart might be beating a bit faster mean that a romantic involvement is involved, or could it be a creative pursuit?

It could be either or both!

Also on Saturday

Confidence attracts

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 8th to 12th January 2022. Exact 10th January

Laughter is a proven aphrodisiac, but so too is confidence. It is your confident – and possibly assertive – approach that will work well for you now. Be yourself and let your confidence flow in the knowledge it will show!

Is there a particular development that may have boosted my confidence?

It's possible. But you will likely be very aware of how your feel-good factor is enhanced in some way now.

What if I'm not interested in attracting others?

There's a difference between attracting attention and attracting people to you. If you're not interested in the latter, then you can be certain that others will admire your confident vibe.

Is there a way I can apply my enhanced confidence to bring success in a particular area?

Absolutely! Be clear in your mind about what you would like to see happen and apply your confidence earnestly. It could help you to take a significant step now.

Tuesday 11th January

Looking beyond the obvious

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Neptune from 11th to 14th January 2022. Exact 13th January

People often use the phrase 'bottling up' when it comes to emotions. Now is an ideal time to release feelings or powerful emotions. Doing so could also reveal a side of someone's personality that you never knew existed.

But will I be at risk of becoming disappointed at what I discover about this person?

That's unlikely. You'll probably be understanding of why they've chosen to keep this concealed.

If I summon the courage to release concealed feelings or emotions, will someone do the same?

Probably not on the same level, but your disclosure will be the catalyst for gaining a more realistic or authentic understanding of this person.

Why might I choose to release feelings or emotions now?

You're likely to experience unignorable pressure to do so! But you can trust the time is right.

Wednesday 12th January

Conquered fear

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Pluto from 12th to 15th January 2022. Exact 14th January

Despite how things may appear, you are not as alone as you perhaps believe yourself to be. You have assistance available to you, even if you cannot see it. Seize a chance to conquer a long-standing fear and remove a barrier to progress at the same time.

Will I be unsupported by others in conquering this fear?

Not at all. But you might need to ask for help or support where you need either or both.

Will facing and conquering this fear be painful or upsetting?

The reward and relief on offer by doing both will likely outweigh any discomfort.

Do I need to act quickly to remove this fear once and for all?

The sooner you do what scares you. the sooner the fear will vanish.

Monday 17th January


Confidence in measured doses

Transiting Venus Retrograde Squares your natal Jupiter from 17th to 25th January 2022. Exact 21st January

You can cause much to happen with the sheer force of your will. This, combined with an ability to be smart and lucky, puts you in a strong position. But avoid any tendency to be unnecessarily forceful or overly determined. Where your relationships with certain people – and likely one person in particular – are concerned, you can achieve a spectacular result. Be realistic and confident. But not too confident!

But if I'm trying to make something happen through sheer force of will, then does that mean I'm trying too hard?

Not necessarily. You probably have an accurate understanding of how much force to apply to make progress in any way.

But can I still be at risk of being unnecessarily forceful?

There's a balance to be found between being confident and forceful. It's your confidence that you need to be guided by, not your ability to be overly-determined.

Is it possible to be too confident?

It is, especially when any level of complacency sets in. Your efforts need to be consistent and measured, not excessive.

Tuesday 18th January

The secret to happiness

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Sun from 18th January 2022 to 8th February 2022. Exact 4th February

Is there a recipe for happiness? Do we need to stick to a rigid plan to be happy? You have much support available to attain what many people spend lifetimes trying to find or manifest – happiness! You have a rare opportunity to experience a rise in your status in more than one person's eyes. But it is one person in particular who looks set to see you in a much different and positive way.

What if I reach a stage where I should be happy but am aware that I could be happier?

Slow down! Get to that stage first before you decide if you don't feel content. (But chances are, you will. )

Does a rise in my status mean that I could be seen as a leader?

Possibly but not necessarily in a traditional or an obvious sense. You could gain more admiration from others, which makes you a leader in other ways.

Who is the most obvious person that will see me in a new positive light?

Only you know the answer to that question - and if you don't, then the answer looks set to become obvious soon!

Tuesday 25th January

Leave anger on the doorstep

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Mercury from 25th to 29th January 2022. Exact 27th January

You can either release pent-up frustration or anger and part someone's hair with words that aren't well-chosen or apply large amounts of sensitivity to a difficult or tense conversation. Don't use a sledgehammer to crack a proverbial walnut. Make your point sensitively, and leave anger on the doorstep before you do so.

What if I can't help but feel angry toward whatever I'm dealing with?

Anger could be a natural reaction. But it doesn't need to manifest in the ways you might feel it should.

But if I have a point that needs to be made, then shouldn't I make it passionately?

Making your point passionately is fine. But an issue exists regarding the way you could make it aggressively or confrontationally. That's what needs understanding now.

Will bringing an improvement require as much effort as I can give toward doing so?

You're at risk of going over the top in some way. You have an abundance of passionate energy demanding to be applied. Focus on ways this can be done constructively - or pleasurably.

Forecast for February 2022

Tuesday 1st February

Confidence in measured doses

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Jupiter from 1st to 9th February 2022. Exact 6th February

You can cause much to happen with the sheer force of your will. This, combined with an ability to be smart and lucky, puts you in a strong position. But avoid any tendency to be unnecessarily forceful or overly determined. Where your relationships with certain people – and likely one person in particular – are concerned, you can achieve a spectacular result. Be realistic and confident. But not too confident!

But if I'm trying to make something happen through sheer force of will, then does that mean I'm trying too hard?

Not necessarily. You probably have an accurate understanding of how much force to apply to make progress in any way.

But can I still be at risk of being unnecessarily forceful?

There's a balance to be found between being confident and forceful. It's your confidence that you need to be guided by, not your ability to be overly-determined.

Is it possible to be too confident?

It is, especially when any level of complacency sets in. Your efforts need to be consistent and measured, not excessive.

Thursday 3rd February

Yes sir, no sir

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Saturn from 3rd to 7th February 2022. Exact 5th February

Your relationship with a certain person – possibly in a position of authority – needs care now.
Limitations are imposed upon you. The more you can smile, nod, and do what's asked of you, the more you will play a helpful role in dissipating a potentially tense situation.

Shouldn't I stand up for myself if what's asked of me is wrong?

Be aware of how unintentionally assertive or confrontational you could be by doing so.

How will I be able to do something to the best of my ability if limitations are imposed?

It's important to work within rules and boundaries now. You are not setting these. The more you're seen to comply, the more respect you could gain.

Will I have a chance to offer any input regarding how something should be done?

Don't rule it out. However, for now, you must be seen to 'toe the line' and play the integral part you can play in a particular process.

Monday 7th February

Special and worthwhile

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Sun from 7th to 11th February 2022. Exact 9th February

Sometimes, we need a challenge to make a result worthier of attaining. You could be applying intense focus to achieving a particular result. Trust that the effort required to achieve it is not misplaced. You're superbly placed to make something special and very worthwhile happen now.

Do I know what this ambition or aspiration is, or has it yet to reveal itself?

You probably don't need to look too deeply within yourself to connect with what truly inspires you now.

Does the challenge mentioned mean that success will be difficult to achieve?

Not necessarily. You have an abundance of passion energy to apply to overcome any challenge. Don't be daunted by it.

What if I find the effort I invest doesn't bring an immediate result?

There's no guarantee that a result will be immediate. But you will likely start to see how you take strides instead of steps in a particular area now or shortly.

Tuesday 8th February

One tiny spark

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Jupiter from 8th to 11th February 2022. Exact 10th February

You're dealing with a sensitive situation and mustn't underestimate how a single spark can create a bonfire. The more you can be supportive and sensitive, the easier it will be to avert a tense and unnecessary confrontation that could be at risk of being overblown.

Is the onus completely on me to maintain harmony or keep the peace?

It could be your passionate energy that is at risk of being over-inflated. You can be influential in keeping tension at bay.

What if I can't help the way I react passionately to this situation?

Reacting passionately is fine. But it could be the way you respond exaggeratedly and possibly aggressively that needs to be watched or monitored.

What do I need to do to be supportive?

Apart from applying as much compassion and sensitivity as possible, try being the listener that somebody needs you to be.

Friday 18th February

Respecting boundaries

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Venus from 18th to 22nd February 2022. Exact 20th February

An agreement is needed regarding what is acceptable, unacceptable, and possibly open to negotiation. But boundaries exist, too. As long as you respect these and apply a creative solution or strategy to what you're keen to accomplish, then pleasing and reassuring progress can be made.

Does creative mean artistic?

Not necessarily. It can mean 'inventive' or 'resourceful.'

But if I have to do something within enforced boundaries, then does that not hamper my success?

The boundaries that exist can encourage you to apply creativity in ways you wouldn't have done otherwise. Doing so will bring a result you'll be pleased with.

What if someone I'm negotiating with doesn't like or approve of my creative solution?

It's the fact that you have given clear thought to accomplishing something within a restrictive situation that will likely gain their support - or win their admiration.

Also on Friday

Keep impatience at bay

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Ascendant from 18th to 22nd February 2022. Exact 20th February

Tension could be rife. But allowing impatience to get a foothold could add fuel to any flames of conflict or resentment. Make sure you think through your responses and actions. If you can't say or do something nice, then say or do nothing.

What if someone provokes me to act aggressively or impatiently?

You have a choice about how to respond. You could either be part of the problem or the solution. Responding kindly and compassionately ensures you are the latter.

What if the urge to speak my mind intensifies?

There's nothing wrong with speaking your mind as long as it's done sensitively and to encourage a two-way exchange.

If someone has upset me, then shouldn't I make them aware of this?

Absolutely. But the best progress will come from not only identifying the problem but helping to improve it by offering a solution.

Saturday 19th February

Quest for perfection

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Venus from 19th to 23rd February 2022. Exact 21st February

Things might not be as smooth and comfortable as you'd like them to be. But the drama you sense looming is unlikely to be anywhere near as tense, important, or threatening as it appears, either. All you need to do to bring a near-perfect result in your relationship world is refrain from worrying or trying too hard to achieve perfection where 'near perfection' will suffice!

What if I discover that the drama I sense looming turns out to be worse than I anticipated?

You need to be honest with yourself about why you're determined to create perfection in some way. The higher you set your expectations, the more intense the drama might be.

What if I believe that any worrying on my part is justified?

There is a connection between setting your expectations too high and worrying. Lower your expectations and then see how your worries diminish as well.

What if I don't believe 'near perfection' will suffice?

Then you may need to be brutally honest with yourself about why you're so obsessed with achieving perfection. Remember, perfection is an illusion. Even when we believe we have achieved it, there's always room for improvement. Life's too short to get so fixated on something that doesn't exist.

Also on Saturday

Look no further than a mirror

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Ascendant from 19th to 23rd February 2022. Exact 21st February

Even if you wrongly believe you aren't 'measuring up' to someone else's ideas of attractiveness, have faith in how you are attracting the right attention from the determination you are showing in some way. You know something or someone worth having is worth giving proper effort toward – and that, in itself, is attractive!

But am I likely to appear to be struggling rather than determined in others' eyes?

Your determination will probably more evident than any sign of a struggle.

Am I kidding myself about what the reward will be from investing so much effort?

That's very unlikely.

What will be so attractive about me being determined to get something or someone?

Obvious passion underpins your efforts. You want whatever or whoever it is from the depths of your heart. We don't see that often.

Also on Saturday

Authority can be sexy

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Moon from 19th to 23rd February 2022. Exact 21st February

There's something about the air of authority and confidence someone gives that makes this person very appealing. You can project yourself in such a way now. Expect to see evidence of how attractive and respected you are in the eyes of more than one person.

What if I'm not interested in being seen as attractive?

Then you have a choice about how to respond. But at least try to understand why others might see you in such a way now.

Is it fair to say that the authority I could attain is based on others finding me attractive?

You could find that, when you speak, others listen. But you carry a noticeable authority of vibe as well. Don't underestimate the strength of it.

Does this mean I'm in a position to adopt a leadership role of some kind?

Your words and actions could carry considerable clout now. If you want a leadership role, then you might not have to twist many peoples' arms to attain it.

Sunday 20th February

Powers of attraction

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Moon from 20th to 24th February 2022. Exact 22nd February

The air of confidence and degree of attractiveness you're exuding cannot and should not be ignored or underestimated. But, it's great that you're seen as such an attractive option. But what do you intend to do with the influence available to you? Use it wisely. Use it effectively. Use it to draw a special person toward you or captivate one person whose attention you've wanted for some time.

What if I exude confidence and attractiveness on the outside but don't feel both on the inside?

If you are conveying both qualities externally, then you can be certain that they are the result of what you feel inside.

How will I know if I'm using the influence available to me wisely and effectively?

Your instincts will undoubtedly be the best guide regarding both.

How quickly will I be able to draw somebody's attention or them closer to me?

That depends on how much affection and sensitivity underpin your words or actions. But also remember that all positive change is gradual.

Also on Sunday

Leave brute force out of it

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 20th to 24th February 2022. Exact 22nd February

You could be inclined to apply more force than is needed in an area of your world now. Tact and
delicacy are essential. You can achieve much more by applying both instead of brute force or any form of aggression.

But doesn't it help to get a bit angry sometimes to make something happen?

That's the case if you channel anger constructively. But you must accept how you could apply yours excessively. That's unlikely to bring the desired result.

Would it be easier to make my point if I do so passionately?

Expressing yourself passionately is fine. The issue you face now involves doing so aggressively or confrontationally. Try to spot the difference.

Isn't it best to apply more effort to bring a desired result rather than discover I haven't applied enough?

Your mission now involves being practical enough to spot when enough effort has been applied. Why apply more when you don't have to?

Monday 21st February

What feels right

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 21st to 24th February 2022. Exact 23rd February

In what way or ways is love you're capable of giving being directed? It appears you have options regarding how best to 'distribute' love you can offer. Trust that you don't have to be as cautious as you feel you must be with deciding who is worthy of the love you can provide. Give where it feels right, and you will discover, to your delight, how loved you are in return.

If I'm cautious, then does that mean I have a fear of being hurt?

Possibly. But it could have more to do with you being uncertain about who to offer love to.

But even if I trust what feels right, am I at risk of being let down or disappointed?

That's unlikely to be the case if you listen intently to what your inner voice tells you.

How long will it take before love is returned to me?

That depends on how soon you get started. The sooner you offer love, the sooner you can expect it to be reciprocated.

Tuesday 22nd February

Shining example

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Chiron from 22nd to 25th February 2022. Exact 24th February

You have an abundance of passionate energy at your disposal. But this needs to be harnessed in ways that heal, cleanse or teach. Focus attention on yourself and any lingering or unresolved personal pain or inner wounds. You could find that you're seen as a shining example by others about how to do this, too.

Will the process of facing inner pain or wounds prove to be painful in itself?

The reward and relief that will come from doing so will outweigh any discomfort.

If I haven't managed to resolve inner conflicts already, then why is it likely to happen now?

You have new levels of passionate energy available to make a difference this time. Apply it and see what happens.

If it's taken me so long to bring inner healing to myself, then how am I likely to assist others to do so?

Only others can take the necessary steps to heal themselves. But you have experience-based wisdom to draw upon that can set them on the right path to do so.

Also on Tuesday

Pushing obsession aside

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 22nd to 26th February 2022. Exact 25th February

You're encouraged strongly to make a choice. To do this, you must accept what or who might have become an obsession and why you need to be more objective. This is a time to gain perspective and make decisions based on fact or at least what feels truly right and sensible, and not be bullied into following a path of least resistance because it appears an easier option.

What if I don't believe I've become obsessive and believe instead that I'm determined?

Ah, that's where the line could be blurred. Determination may have become obsessiveness.

What if I want to take an easy option?

Then you're likely to return at some point soon to consider or pursue a more challenging one.

What if I'm misinterpreting what appears right and sensible?

If you're able to push obsession aside, then you'll probably find that you can focus easily on what is both right and sensible.

Also on Tuesday

Necessary objectivity

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Pluto from 22nd to 25th February 2022. Exact 24th February

If you're able to resist the temptation to give your all to something, then you will at least be able to gain some objectivity. Something needs to be seen realistically. Putting a brief bit of distance between you and certain circumstances could be what's required to help you to do so.

If I feel fired up and motivated to make progress, then won't creating some distance delay success?

If you're pursuing something without seeing it in a realistic light, then your effort could be sporadic or wasted.

If there's something I'm keen to 'give my all' to, then is it not best to do so and see what happens?

See the above point about your effort being sporadic or wasted!

Does seeing something realistically mean that I should downsize my expectations?

Not at all. Once you gain a clearer understanding of what you're keen to accomplish, then your approach could become even more ambitious.

Sunday 27th February

Knowledge is power

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Uranus from 27th February 2022 to 3rd March 2022. Exact 1st March

There is little you need to do to encourage what has been hidden into the open. Minimal effort on your part is required to make right what has been wrong of late. You're about to be in a stronger and more knowledgeable position from information that will come to light shortly. It might not have you punching the air with joy. But you will be grateful to be in a stronger position to know precisely what you will need to do next.

Is whatever is brought into the open likely to be uncomfortable or upsetting?

It might be uncomfortable due to how suddenly it appears. But you will spot the benefits soon afterward.

How will I know to trust what is revealed?

You're about to experience a Eureka Moment of some kind.

Will it be obvious immediately that I'm in a stronger position?

That is very likely.

Also on Sunday

Time and space

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Uranus from 27th February 2022 to 2nd March 2022. Exact 1st March

What's needed now is space. Breathing space. Thinking space. An arrangement is shifting, and as positive as the process is, It could highlight differences that exist between you and someone. Allowing each other time and space to adjust to what's changing is timely and wise.

Is it possible that I and someone could gain a new level of clarity by granting each other time and space?

That could certainly happen.

Shouldn't we be working together to adjust to this change?

That can happen once you and they establish and agree upon each other's needs.

Will this change disrupt any plans we have already created together?

You're likely to find that whatever alters is an improvement on where things stand currently.

Forecast for March 2022

Saturday 5th March

Going it alone

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal North Node from 5th to 8th March 2022. Exact 7th March

The benefits of working as a team or closely in partnership often outweigh the benefits of working alone, but this is not such a time. What you want to achieve is likely best done by you taking the initiative and working solo.

Am I able to call upon support from anyone as and when I need it?

Absolutely. But you might need to make clear that what you're pursuing is something that requires your sole focus.

Won't accepting or enlisting the help or support from others not make it easier for me to achieve my goal?

What you're pursuing is very personal to you. Your own destiny could be involved with this. That means there are limits to how much others can connect with or support it.

What if I reach a point where I have no option other than to involve someone or others?

Nothing stops you from doing so. But your instincts will be extremely helpful when it comes to knowing when to call upon support and when to continue on your own.

Also on Saturday

Drama and chaos

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal South Node from 5th to 8th March 2022. Exact 7th March

Don't resort to creating drama in the belief that doing so moves a plan forward. If anything, drama or chaos hamper progress. By identifying patterns related to how things progressed - or failed – previously, you can apply lessons learned to your current circumstances. Be aware that these will encourage change, but change is essential to progress.

If I feel it's necessary to create drama or chaos, then is that a symptom of my current circumstances becoming stale or uninspiring?

You could feel inclined to shake a situation to see what happens. But looking backward at lessons learned will ensure you apply your efforts far more constructively and productively.

Will the change I experience be uncomfortable or problematic?

Change is always accompanied by upheaval, which brings a period of insecurity. But if you focus on the positive steps you are taking, it will be temporary and prove helpful.

Might the need to look backward prove to be painful?

Not if you focus on the lessons you learned and the pivotal ways they can be applied to help you make progress in the present.

Sunday 6th March

Change of the exciting kind

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Mars from 6th to 9th March 2022. Exact 7th March

There is a change you must bring, and once you embark upon the task of making it happen, a process will move quickly. Once it has begun, you have no option other than to see it through. Despite any fear or reservations you might have about what you must do now, you are likely to find the experience more thrilling than daunting. Do what needs doing, take action where it's needed and be receptive to the fact that you could end up enjoying the ride.

If a process starts to move quickly, then does that mean it will become unmanageable?

Not necessarily. But you could be surprised at how your effort causes it to accelerate.

Am I 'venturing into the unknown' in some way?

It's possible, but it's not something you should be fearful of.

What if I don't enjoy the 'ride'?

You won't know unless you try. So try it. You might like it.

Also on Sunday

Avoid impulsiveness

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Mars from 6th to 9th March 2022. Exact 8th March

You don't have to apply excessive energy in a way you might believe you must. Avoid being impulsive or headstrong. Be patient and understanding, and all will be fine.

What if I believe excessive energy is needed to make my point?

This will likely encourage someone to be defensive. In that frame of mind, they're unlikely to listen or be as supportive as you need them to be.

Is it possible that applying excessive energy could make clear how passionately I believe about something?

Anyone you convey yourself to is unlikely to doubt your passion levels. But they will respond much more positively to calmness and kindness.

Will expressing myself passionately bring a quicker result?

There's nothing wrong with expressing yourself passionately. The issue at this time surrounds the possibility of doing so unnecessarily aggressively. That's what you need to keep an eye on.

Monday 7th March

Make sense of it

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Mercury from 7th to 10th March 2022. Exact 9th March

Sometimes, we struggle to make a point or convey certain information to others because we struggle to process vast information. Although there could be much you want to say now, it's important to make sense of it before you release it. Don't be concerned about whether you're saying 'the right thing.' You can be certain you are.

If what I intend to say feels right, then does that not mean it makes sense?

That would be the case if you weren't so determined to make your point urgently.

Is it not better to say too much than too little?

Saying too much dilutes the point you're trying to make and confuses the listener. Applying structure to whatever you're keen to convey will make the process much easier.

But is it not better to express myself passionately than rehearse what I intend to say?

It's possible to do both. But unless you apply a mental filter to your message, you could release a verbal avalanche that doesn't bring the desired result.

Also on Monday

Nothing like a 'Eureka Moment'

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mercury from 7th to 10th March 2022. Exact 8th March

A discovery awaits you. You're about to be blessed with ingenuity. There's no need for you to work harder or smarter. Whatever plans or ideas come to light will be simple, obvious, and effective.
Where your relationships are concerned, you're about to see how using your imagination will allow you to gain valuable insight into a problem and how you can then explore new ground. This is a time to believe in magic. Let a wonderful discovery reveal itself.

What if this discovery involves making a change I don't want to make?

You're not obliged to make any change. But the discovery or epiphany coming your way could be inspiring enough for you to want to take a particular step.

Will I feel nervous exploring this new ground?

That's difficult to say, but your curiosity could lead you in a way that intrigues and possibly thrills you.

Could I end up being disappointed?

Only if you don't open your mind to the possibilities on offer. They not only offer valuable insights but can be integral to you forming or strengthening a special relationship now.

Monday 14th March

Leave serendipity out of it

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Saturn from 14th to 16th March 2022. Exact 15th March

You have a particular goal in mind. There is undoubtedly something you yearn to happen. You're aware that, to achieve this, you must take a chance. A heartwarming development is on offer if you ensure the right kind of disciplined preparations are in place first. Take a brave step forward in the knowledge that you're not leaving a result to happen entirely by chance.

What if I have numerous goals in mind or want to see several developments happen?

Then it's likely your attention will be drawn to one in particular.

Am I at risk of overplanning?

Probably not. You're likely to get the balance right between getting the right foundations in place while leaving some room for creativity and spontaneity.

If I get all the preparations in place, does that mean the step I take is more likely to be successful?

You hit the nail squarely on the head.

Wednesday 16th March

Keeping your cool

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Saturn from 16th to 19th March 2022. Exact 18th March

You have a chance to suppress and harness anger or hostility. This will require you to summon patience, discipline, and endurance. To maintain control of a volatile situation, all you need to do is smile, count to ten, and let any tension dissipate. Trust that it doesn't need to be released in any other way.

What if I feel pushed or provoked to release any negative energy?

The more patience, discipline, and endurance you summon, the easier it will be to harness and focus it positively.

But if I adopt a passive stance or turn the other cheek, am I at risk of being taken advantage of?

It's by keeping your cool and remaining disciplined that you can address and deal with the situation calmly and practically.

Won't I gain more respect from others if I make clear how passionately I feel about something?

You'll gain respect if you do so positively. Doing so confrontationally or aggressively won't win you any popularity prizes.

Thursday 17th March

Dare to dream

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Jupiter from 17th to 20th March 2022. Exact 19th March

Do you dare to dream? Do you risk pursuing any of the wild ideas likely occupying your thoughts now? The answer to both questions is undoubtedly 'yes.' Dream as much as you dare to. Entertain as many of the wild ideas as you can because, in your relationship world now, one or two dreams or ideas will lead you toward a very clever move.

What if I'm coming up with ridiculously ludicrous dreams that don't stand a chance of becoming real?

You are probably realistic enough to accept that not every one of your mind's creations will become real. But don't rule out the possibility of at least one moving from the realms of fantasy into something tangible.

Does this mean I might be wise to look for clues in my dreams or subconscious?

Absolutely. Keeping a journal might not be a bad idea, either. Some dreams will undoubtedly be excessive or unachievable, but you can be certain others won't be.

Will this clever move be apparent immediately, or will it take time for me to discover it was clever?

You have a chance to think it through before you make or take it. You will also feel reassured that it is wise, helpful, and timely.

Sunday 20th March

Essential brakes

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Jupiter from 20th to 23rd March 2022. Exact 22nd March

You're probably aware of what you want to make happen in a particular area. You might also feel as if you have new levels of energy to apply to a passionate or cherished goal or ambition. Your belief in yourself could be noticeably heightened or amplified as well. But you will need to know when to put the brakes on to take stock of the progress you make!

If I'm able to apply new levels of passionate energy, then shouldn't this be given as much freedom as it needs?

You could be oblivious to when enough has become enough. Don't put yourself at risk of applying this energy sporadically and end up with a barely adequate result.

But if I sense I'm 'on a roll,' then shouldn't I keep going?

It will be essential to stop and let the momentum you've created catch up with you. Getting ahead of yourself means that you will only have to stop anyway.

If my passion levels and optimism are enhanced so strongly, then is success guaranteed?

Success is more likely if your effort is applied consistently and forms part of a structured plan. Pursuing something blindly and too fervently may only hamper success.

Friday 25th March

Begging to be noticed

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Venus from 25th to 28th March 2022. Exact 27th March

Would you like to experience a breakthrough? Does the thought of being offered a chance to instigate a new and different plan in your personal world hold any appeal? You're in an excellent position to experience both. For this to happen, heed the idea that is begging you to notice it. If you are willing to see how much potential is on offer by seizing an opportunity, then something heart-warming can make its way to you.

What if I find this new plan to be more disruptive than helpful?

That's only likely to be the case if you rush into it without looking closely at what it needs and wants from you.

What if I don't spot the potential on offer immediately?

Then that's not necessarily bad. It means you will have to look more closely to identify this opportunity, which means you have considered it properly.

Has this opportunity been begging to be noticed for some time or only recently?

That's difficult to say. However, because it needs you to notice it means it has something to offer here and now. The fact it wants your attention now is not a coincidence - and is likely very timely!

Also on Friday

Personal popularity

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Ascendant from 25th to 28th March 2022. Exact 27th March

You're in a superb position to create your own 'self-image'; how you're seen in the eyes of those who know you and who, from a noticeable sense of ease and self-worth, want to know you. You don't need to go to great lengths to impress anyone. You need only be yourself to meet new and interesting people. You probably won't have to look hard to identify those whose interests are of the romantic variety, either!

What if I'm happy with my self-image as it is?

Then you don't need to do anything with it if you're happy with how you convey or project yourself externally. But there may be some internal work that needs doing that could improve it further.

What if I'm not receptive to meeting new people?

Circumstances could push you to do so. Even if there's a tiny bit of intrigue attached to meeting new people, you should pursue it.

What if I'm not interested in forming potential romantic connections?

Then that is entirely your choice. You're not forced to do so. Just remember the old saying about how often we regret what we don't do, though.

Saturday 26th March

Emotional release

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Moon from 26th to 28th March 2022. Exact 27th March

You must understand your reasons for releasing a pent-up feeling. The emotional strength surrounding what you've kept concealed is likely stronger than you thought. All of this would be easier if something in your emotional world 'made sense.' The fact it doesn't probably has something to do with how emotionally you're reacting toward it. What's happening now is powerful and necessary. It's also providing a helpful step toward emotional stability you've wanted for some time.

So it's fair to say I've suppressed this intense feeling for some time?

Possibly. But you may have been unaware of how strong it would emerge, regardless of how long you've suppressed it.

So if I dial back my emotional intensity, I could see what doesn't make sense currently in a more sensible light?

I couldn't have put it better myself.

How long will it take before I see or experience emotional stability?

Much depends on how soon you're able to be more trusting in the fact that the universe has your back.

Sunday 27th March

Bring it out into the open

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 27th to 30th March 2022. Exact 29th March

People talk about 'skeletons' residing 'in closets.' They speak of issues swept under carpets. Your attention is now drawn to a fact that must be faced. You can ignore it for a little while longer. But be assured that, very soon, you will have to give it attention. When this happens, it will be good news.

Is this fact that must be faced likely to be uncomfortable or painful?

That's unlikely. Even if there is any discomfort, it will be brief because what comes to light intends to bring something pleasing, hopeful, and inspiring.

Is whatever is brought to light something I may have encountered or experienced previously?

That's difficult to say, but even if it isn't, you're about to gain a valuable insight that could come in handy in the future.

Will it be immediately obvious that what comes to light is helpful or good news?

That depends on how courageous you are with facing what needs to be faced. The longer you dance around a particular issue or avoid facing it, the more you delay the helpful development on offer.

Also on Sunday

Trust your hunches

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Neptune from 27th to 29th March 2022. Exact 28th March

In your world now, a certain truth is emerging. There is something you feel about a person or situation that you cannot ignore. What you want, before taking any action, are facts. You would prefer your decisions were based on logic rather than hunches. It is important, though, to trust what you feel. Acknowledge and respect what your hunches tell you. When the truth does emerge, you will be able to say with confidence and honesty that you knew it already.

Is this truth likely to be painful or upsetting?

Not necessarily. But it might not manifest immediately. Give it time to connect with the facts trying to find you.

What if I've trusted what I felt in the past and regretted doing so?

The message coming from your inner voice now is likely to be strong or unignorable. You are wise to trust it.

Will I feel relieved when this truth emerges?

That's likely to be the case, mainly because your instincts help draw your attention to it before it arrives.

Wednesday 30th March

Passion running high

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Venus from 30th March 2022 to 3rd April 2022. Exact 1st April

You could possess exceptionally strong desires and passions now. Don't underestimate your attraction levels, either. But be aware of how this fervent energy can be both alluring and overpowering.

Do such feelings apply only to matters of the heart or love relationships?

Not necessarily. They can if you choose to focus both on such areas. But it could be your creativity or self-expression that is underpinned with powerful passion.

If it is love related, does it apply only to increased levels of affection, or could it relate to deep levels of intimacy?

Your libido could be enhanced significantly. Try to be aware of how much stronger it may be compared to someone else's!

Could this passionate energy be in any way negative?

It's possible, especially if you focus too intently on what you want to achieve or experience and don't consider someone else's needs.

Also on Wednesday

Collaborate, don't compete

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Ascendant from 30th March 2022 to 3rd April 2022. Exact 2nd April

Your pursuit of a particular goal could increase competition between you and a particular person. Rather than be seen to encourage this, focus instead on what can be achieved from collaborating.

Will working with or alongside someone mean that I will have to share the success?

Possibly. But think about the likelihood of doubling the success by doing so!

What if my desire to compete with someone means that I don't want to collaborate with them?

Your desire to compete probably has more to do with satisfying a need within yourself, than proving something to someone else. This need could surround how others see you.

Does my desire to compete with somebody have something to do with sending a clear message to others?

That's very likely. And you could have a slightly skewed idea about how others see you. You probably have less to prove than you believe you do.

Thursday 31st March

Stepping up to the plate

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 31st March 2022 to 3rd April 2022. Exact 2nd April

In some way, you have been restricted and held back for too long. You're aware of what has become unacceptable within a situation or an arrangement. You're granted an ability to express yourself now. While the urge to rebel is likely intensifying, so too is a need to remove yourself from an undesirable scenario. All that appears awkward is helping you to re-evaluate everything. Once done, you will bring about the change you've long wanted to happen.

If I've been aware of what has been unacceptable within a situation or an arrangement for some time, then why am I taking steps to improve it now?

You could find that you're able to express yourself now in ways you haven't been able to previously. This could help you to send a clear message to others as well.

So even if much feels awkward or challenging, can I trust that I'm experiencing both for a reason?

Absolutely. But accept that things might need to become a little bit more chaotic or volatile before they settle or become clearer.

When things become clearer, will I have more faith in the step or action I must take?


Also on Thursday

Don't cause a scene

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Moon from 31st March 2022 to 4th April 2022. Exact 2nd April

If you feel an urge to defend yourself – probably where a certain female is concerned – then look closely at why. This may stem more from emotions running high than any real need to do so defensively or assertively. You can protect what is important to you without causing a scene.

What if emotions become so intense that I can't keep them at bay?

It might be difficult to do so. But the more you accept that you needn't be defensive, the easier it will be to keep things calm and harmonious.

Is it possible my belief that I must defend or assert myself is justified?

It might be, but it's important to accept there are right and wrong ways of making your point. Your instincts won't let you down when it comes to identifying either.

If I must explain why something is important to me, then is that because someone fails to appreciate this?

They might not fail to appreciate it, but they might be unaware of its importance to you.

Forecast for April 2022

Saturday 2nd April

Imaginative energy

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Neptune from 2nd to 5th April 2022. Exact 4th April

Whether or not you believe yourself to be blessed with artistic or creative abilities, you have a fantastic opportunity to blend passion with creativity. You have an abundance of energy to apply imaginatively. Focus it on what truly inspires you.

But what if I'm not in any way artistic?

Then you could find that you focus your energy or summon the courage to take a step toward making a dream or vision real.

Is it possible that others might be inspired by what I create or pursue?

It's very likely. The passion that underpins your imaginative efforts won't be overlooked or ignored.

Is this a good time to declare my love for someone?

Indeed, it is. You could find that you express yourself with the eloquence of a poet or create vivid pictures with your words.

Sunday 3rd April

Personal wounds come first

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Chiron from 3rd to 6th April 2022. Exact 5th April

There are many benefits to helping and healing others, but it's important to remember that you have needs that you can't overlook. It's also possible that lashing out - deliberately or unintentionally - toward others could be a desperate attempt to reduce your inner pain.

What if I feel that, by helping others, I reduce my inner pain?

That might help you to ignore whatever it is you suppress or conceal. But it won't make the issue go away.

Is it possible that my reason for lashing out toward those closest to me stems from a belief that they are more likely to listen or help?

It's possible. But you could have further repairing to do if, by lashing out at those closest to you, you hurt them or create barriers.

Is it possible my resentment or anger stems from the fact that I'm having to explain to others what I think or feel without them knowing this?

That's also possible. But you can't expect others to automatically assume correctly what's going on in your mind and heart. You have a chance to make this clear now.

Also on Sunday

Equal terms

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Pluto from 3rd to 6th April 2022. Exact 5th April

Are you feeling a need to prove yourself in some way? Or, in what way is someone expecting you to justify your position? If you can remain positive and sensitive, then a balance can be created between you and someone where you have, for some time, believed an imbalance existed.

Is it possible that proving myself in some way will tip the balance to my advantage?

Addressing an imbalance requires a compromise to be reached. Neither you nor someone else should walk away from a discussion believing that either has gained the upper hand.

If this person has grown used to having particular control, then are they unlikely to want to relinquish it?

That's where the essential conversation comes in. They'll relinquish it if they see the benefits to doing so.

Will the balance we create be temporary or permanent?

That depends on how much you and someone listen to each other and are determined to put in place a new agreement or arrangement that suits both of you better.

Friday 8th April

Sudden outburst

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Uranus from 8th to 11th April 2022. Exact 10th April

Each of us has a limit to how much we will tolerate regarding an undesirable situation. Some of us have long fuses. Others, well, it doesn't take much for them to air their frustrations or anger. You could release a sudden outburst that will make clear where your frustrations lie!

If I feel it's necessary to release an outburst, then presumably it's because I've been ignored in some way?

Not necessarily. If you've waited for others to come to you to ask what you think or feel about a particular matter, then you have a chance to put them in the picture - sensitively!

Is it possible that my passionate expression could gain me respect?

That's unlikely. You could only succeed in raising others' defensiveness levels.

But if I've reached the end of my tether in some way, then is anger not the most effective way of making this clear?

By all means, express yourself passionately and confidently. But anger brings negative energy to this scenario and will succeed only in hampering the progress you're keen to make.

Thursday 14th April

Keeping desperation at bay

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Sun from 14th to 17th April 2022. Exact 16th April

You are likely feeling a strong urge to do something indulgent. But it's time to stop working so hard to attain happiness. It's time to appreciate what you have and what's available to you. Your options might be limited, but that's not a bad thing. All you need to do is focus on pursuing the one option that your heart tells you makes the most sense.

But if I'm determined to bring happiness to my world, then that presumably means I believe it's lacking?

By trying too hard to bring happiness to your world, you could fail to see what you have immediately available or accessible to bring it.

But if my options are limited, does that mean that the happiness I can bring will be limited as well?

No, it means you can bring more by making better use of what you have available.

What if the message from my heart is wrong?

Your heart will only tell you the truth. That's why you must trust it implicitly.

Friday 22nd April

What you give, you'll receive

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Moon from 22nd to 25th April 2022. Exact 24th April

Even if you feel you're reaching the end of your proverbial tether, by being sensitive and supportive, you will find your tether can stretch further than you thought it would. It's a case of 'doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.' If there's a particular person you want to get closer to, then you'll discover they're likely to respond with whatever you offer them.

What if I struggle to be sensitive and supportive?

If you're willing to be a bit more flexible, then you shouldn't find being both is a problem.

What if I find that my efforts to help or support others aren't reciprocated?

If your efforts are authentic and heartfelt, then anyone you focus them on will likely be aware of this.

Will I have to wait long for somebody to respond in the way I want them to?

That's difficult to say, but the more affectionate and supportive you are, the easier you'll make it for somebody to respond - and in the way you want them to!

Saturday 23th April

Bringer of harmony

Transiting Venus Trines your natal MidHeaven from 23rd to 25th April 2022. Exact 24th April

You are superbly placed to diffuse a tense situation and replace tension with friendliness and warmth. You needn't invest considerable effort into this. Simply be yourself, and it's possible you can create harmony effortlessly. Your personal world can be affected and influenced positively with a love of beauty and desire for peace. By being instrumental in building bridges or assisting with the extension of olive branches, you can bring a positive change in your romantic or personal world.

What if I've tried to diffuse tense situations in the past and regretted doing so?

Don't underestimate your ability to create a balance where one is needed now.

What if my idea of balance and harmony differs from somebody else's?

As long as plenty of sensitivity or affection underpin your actions, you're unlikely to fail to get someone on your side.

But although I can encourage balance or harmony, surely the ball is in someone else's court to do the rest?

Correct. But you could set the scene wonderfully and create an ideal environment to make progress within.

Also on Saturday

Smelling coffee

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Neptune from 23rd to 26th April 2022. Exact 25th April

It's important to gain proper perspective and assess how far to trust one or two individuals and how much to believe what you're being told by them, and by one in particular. You're not encouraged to be judgmental. You're encouraged to, as the old saying goes, wake up and smell some coffee. Restrain your imagination slightly and view a relationship with both honesty and sensitivity. You'll soon be better placed to identify a way forward.

Does this mean that someone or others are trying to deceive me?

Not necessarily. They might not have an accurate understanding of certain information and are relaying inaccuracies to you.

But if I'm honest and sensitive with others, will they be the same with me?

The more authenticity you bring to interactions or discussions, the more likely you'll receive it in return.

What if I find it difficult to restrain my imagination?

You're not encouraged to restrain it completely. You need to allow a bit more grounding to underpin what you might see unrealistically or idealistically.

Wednesday 27th April

The power of imagination

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Uranus from 27th to 30th April 2022. Exact 29th April

Sometimes, to make progress when we feel we're struggling, we have no option other than to apply creative thinking. By adopting an open mind and being willing to apply imagination, you can set your personal, emotional, or romantic life on a firmer, more meaningful - and hopefully less stressful – footing.

What if I don't believe myself to be open-minded or imaginative?

Then you look set to be reminded or discover how open-minded and imaginative you are - or can be!

Will the new footing I create in my world be temporary or permanent?

That depends on how badly you want it and how much effort you invest in putting it in place.

Why is this footing likely to be less stressful?

It's likely to be more robust and less flimsy, put it that way. That, as you're likely to discover, will reduce your frustration and stress levels.

Thursday 28th April

Unhealthy competition

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Sun from 28th April 2022 to 2nd May 2022. Exact 30th April

We're all aware of what's meant by the phrase 'healthy competition.' But there are times when competition is unnecessary and, therefore, unhealthy. Look closely at what can be gained by trying to 'outdo' someone now.

Are there not benefits to me winning in some way?

You could be pursuing something competitively when doing so isn't necessary. Consider if you're already in a winning position.

If I see someone as a worthy adversary, then won't I learn something from competing against them?

For competition to exist, at least one other person needs to be willing to compete against you! That might be where a stumbling block exists.

What if the spirit of competitiveness I'm encouraging is done in fun?

You might see it that way. Another person or others may not. If you must be competitive, then encourage it in a way that meets with agreement from others.

Forecast for May 2022

Monday 2nd May

Embrace long-awaited change

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mars from 2nd to 4th May 2022. Exact 3rd May

A development appears to be unfolding that you've wanted to see happen. A new phase of your life is about to begin, and you have an exceptional opportunity to 'break new ground' where your personal world is concerned. Where certain relationships are concerned, rules can be rewritten, and horizons expanded. All that is required from you is confidence mixed with a tiny amount of courage.

What if I don't feel ready for this new phase of my life to begin?

You're in the throes of a process that has been building gradually. It shouldn't come as a surprise, and it's likely to be one you've anticipated.

Does this mean I have a new learning curve to embark upon with relationships?

One could be on offer if you want one. But you're likely to feel more adventurous, daring, and courageous when it comes to love, passion, and intimacy.

Am I at risk of being too overbearing or overpowering?

It's not impossible to be both. Fortunately, your passionate efforts are likely to be underpinned with enough affection to make them unselfish.

Tuesday 3rd May

Distancing yourself

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Mercury from 3rd to 5th May 2022. Exact 4th May

It appears someone or something wants all you're able to give plus a little more besides. Sidestep any debate, discussion, or disagreement that you can afford to remove yourself from. Distancing yourself will ensure that no accusation can be made about being manipulative or trying to engineer situations to your advantage. Relax, and you will soon see how whatever concerns you now will sort itself out in a way that pleases and you.

But am I obliged to give what somebody expects from me?

That decision is yours. But you're not obliged to do anything unfair.

Isn't distancing myself the same as running away from an issue or a problem?

No. It will help you to gain a more realistic perspective where it's needed.

Is it possible that I've grown too close to or am trying too hard to control a situation?

That's likely to be the case.

Sunday 8th May

Your heart won't fail you

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Saturn from 8th to 11th May 2022. Exact 10th May

Your head and ideas you're creating pull you in one direction, while your feelings pull you in another. What ideally needs to happen is your head and heart need to work together. Trust what you feel. Allow your instincts to guide you. Your heart can have a stronger influence if you allow it to. And, if given a chance, it won't fail you.

Am I likely to feel confused or upset?

You're more likely to feel confused, but confusion will be reduced if you trust your instincts.

How do I make my head and heart work together?

You don't need to try to make them do so - you need to relax and allow them to do so.

What if I discover that my heart gives the wrong message?

Your heart will only speak the truth. That's why you must trust it implicitly.

Tuesday 10th May

Desire for excitement

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Moon from 10th to 13th May 2022. Exact 12th May

Are you aware of powerful feelings manifesting within you? If the answer is 'yes,' then allow them to do so. This is a time to address powerful urges. Allow yourself to be led by what's creating intense feelings, but make sure you balance assertiveness or impulsiveness with sensitivity.

Should I do nothing to suppress these powerful feelings?

Allow them to emerge, but be aware of how you could apply them impulsively.

Won't restricting what I feel dilute any magic on offer?

Applying your passionate energy productively and constructively will bring a better and more far-reaching result.

What if I decide to 'give my all' or throw myself into a passionate plan?

That choice is yours. However, applying too much energy could result in you coming across as too forceful or assertive.

Wednesday 11th May

A sprinkle of realism

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Jupiter from 11th to 14th May 2022. Exact 13th May

A balance is needed between overconfidence and realism. You are given a reason to be confident and optimistic. That's fine, provided you have both feet on the ground where certain aspirations are concerned. Look closely at what you want to happen and then apply a sprinkle of realism regarding timescales. If what you want is right and appropriate, then it will come to you. Avoid any tendency to be unnecessarily forceful or overly determined.

But if I feel extremely confident, that doesn't that mean I see something realistically?

You could be at risk of seeing something excessively, that's not the same as realistically.

What if I'm certain that I could do something within a shorter timescale?

Shorter compared to what? If you're going to set a time frame, then that's what needs to be done realistically.

What if I believe I must be forceful or overly determined to get the result I want?

Then you're likely to discover that investing too much effort will bring more complications than reassurance.

Also on Wednesday

Back on track

Transiting Mars Trines your natal MidHeaven from 11th to 14th May 2022. Exact 13th May

What plan are you following now? Is it one destined for success or failure? Perhaps it's time to determine if you're heading in a right or wrong direction. If you sense that a particular goal needs to be brought back on track, then now is a perfect time to do it.

What if my instincts are wrong about the direction I'm heading with a particular goal?

You don't have to alter your strategy if you're reassured it is the right one. But if it has been some time since you assessed it, then that's what you're encouraged to do now.

Is this also the right time to assess if a particular goal is still as important to me as it once was?


If I haven't yet achieved success with my goal, then how will I know if my plan is right or wrong?

You can determine this by being honest about the steps you are taking consistently to achieve your goal. If you're not sticking to an original plan, then that needs to be addressed for more than one reason.

Thursday 12th May

Genuinely inspiring

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Neptune from 12th to 15th May 2022. Exact 14th May

You could be in a restrictive situation. But you're encouraged to be realistic about what can be achieved in some way. Avoid fanciful thoughts and focus solely on what genuinely inspires you.

What if I'm unsure about what generally inspires me?

Look deep within yourself and trust your instincts to guide you. If you don't know what you want, then you're probably certain about what you don't want.

If I'm determined to pursue a dream, then am I being realistic by doing so?

Don't underestimate the passionate energy you have to take a step toward achieving something close to your heart.

Doesn't being realistic mean that a dream loses its magical appeal?

Not if it means you're about to take a practical step toward making it real!

Friday 13th May

Healing inner pain

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Chiron from 13th to 16th May 2022. Exact 15th May

You could be aware of the energy you possess for personal transformation and healing in your life. However, you'll need to be prepared to address deep-rooted pain and work through old issues to heal them. It's by addressing and resolving these that you can assist others or someone in particular to do the same.

What if a painful issue has such a long history that healing it proves difficult, if not impossible?

You're able to draw upon new levels of energy - and possibly courage - to face and resolve this.

Is it possible that facing and addressing any inner pain will be painful in itself?

It may be briefly. But the reward and relief that will come from doing so will outweigh any discomfort.

Am I at risk of crossing a personal line by assisting anyone else to face and address their inner pain?

Much depends on how sensitively and supportively you do so. If you're able to apply lessons you've learned in ways that others or someone can benefit from, then you'll probably find them to be more receptive to your assistance or support.

Tuesday 17th May

Passionate but gradual

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Uranus from 17th to 21st May 2022. Exact 20th May

Your desire to introduce or instigate a particular change is understandable. But it's important to accept that you could be at risk of applying more effort or pressure than is necessary. Achieving the most positive result requires you to introduce a change passionately but gradually. Striking that balance might be difficult, but it's important to try.

If I'm certain that a change must happen, then what's the point in taking my time to bring it?

If your approach is too determined or energetic, then you will have to retrace your steps to make corrections along the way. Keep these to a minimum by keeping impatience at bay.

Is it possible that excitement could get the better of me, and I'll be unconcerned about introducing something gradually?

That's precisely what you're at risk of doing!

Is it not better to apply more effort than is necessary if doing so brings the desired result?

Being passionate is one thing, but applying effort recklessly could bring unforeseen developments that you'd prefer not to deal with. Adopting a more structured approach can keep these to a minimum.

Wednesday 18th May

Improving what's undesirable

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Venus from 18th to 20th May 2022. Exact 20th May

Where do you 'draw the line'? How do you express dissatisfaction with a situation? It's easy to look at your current situation in the belief that having 'something' is better than 'nothing.' But you could be overlooking how easily 'something' could become 'something more.' Approach what needs 'fixing' positively and constructively, and you will improve a less than desirable situation.

Does this mean that I am simply 'making do' with a situation I wish was better?

Possibly. But there are options you have yet to explore.

Is there an abundance of something in my world that I can't see?

You have hit the nail squarely on the head.

Is it possible that I see a situation as more complicated than it is?

That is something you're likely to discover.

Also on Wednesday

Getting yourself out there

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Ascendant from 18th to 20th May 2022. Exact 20th May

You are in a superb position to increase your network of contacts, and you probably won't have to look hard to identify those who have a keen interest in a romantic sense. Get yourself out there. Be willing to meet new people. The greatest romantic opportunities will come from interacting with others. The more it can be done on a face-to-face basis, the greater your chances are.

What if I'm not interested in increasing my network of contacts?

You could find others gravitate toward you. And there will be at least one or two people who you will be glad made an effort.

What if I find it difficult to interact with or meet new people?

Then you could be surprised at how quickly you feel at ease with doing so if you try.

Why is it important that any interactions are done on a face-to-face basis?

Because you radiate a particular charm that others need to see in addition to hearing or feeling!

Thursday 19th May

Don't sell yourself short

Transiting Venus Squares your natal MidHeaven from 19th to 22nd May 2022. Exact 21st May

If, in your personal or relationship world, you're trying to seek love or approval, then be aware of lengths you have to go to attain either. You could be at risk of investing more effort than is required and could alter how you're seen in others' eyes. Don't sell yourself short in the belief that onus is entirely on you to take the initiative where the process should be two-fold.

But if I go to excessive lengths to seek love or approval, does that mean I'm not receiving either or both?

You might not be receiving either or both on the levels you want. But that doesn't mean either or both aren't available - or forthcoming.

If I'm not receiving the response I want, then might that be why I'm taking the initiative to receive it?

Consider if your determined efforts make it difficult for somebody to respond.

If I reduce my efforts, might somebody respond in the way I want them to?

That's not only worth trying; it's also very likely.

Friday 20th May

Let it be

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Pluto from 20th to 22nd May 2022. Exact 22nd May

You're not wrong to dream or pursue whatever or whoever it is that has you captivated or fascinated. But if it isn't becoming clear that you need to be more motivated and less manipulative, then such clarity will come soon. To get what or whom you want, you'll have to let go slightly. Relax and avoid trying to control what needs to happen naturally.

But is it possible I see something or someone unrealistically?

You probably don't see it or them unrealistically, but you might see it or them obsessively.

But if I do let go, then am I at risk of losing control I need?

That's the problem - you probably believe you must have more control than you need.

What if I let go and discover something doesn't happen naturally?

Give a magical process space and room to breathe that it needs, and it will.

Also on Friday

Removing limitations

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Neptune from 20th to 22nd May 2022. Exact 21st May

Sometimes, when we experience too much of a good thing, we forget or ignore our limitations! You are extremely well placed now to put your personal or relationship world on a much stronger footing. You can bring a change by applying imagination. Be creative. Be yourself, and you can transform something that has been troublesome into something you will welcome and embrace.

What if I don't believe myself to be imaginative or creative?

Both words don't necessarily relate to anything artistic. They can simply involve you thinking outside the box or being more resourceful in some way. But you must express yourself authentically.

Does this mean there is a solution contained within a problem?

Yes, and it's by opening your mind and being more mentally flexible that you'll spot it.

Does this mean I could put a longstanding problem behind me?

You can certainly overcome it, but it's difficult to say if you'll do so permanently. Should it arise again, you'll have a solution to refer to that you can apply in the future.

Monday 23th May

Putting heads together

Transiting Mars Trines your natal North Node from 23rd to 27th May 2022. Exact 25th May

You can, if you wish, pursue something alone or singlehandedly. But the more you surround yourself with individuals who want what you want, the greater your chances of success are.

Won't this mean that I will need to share the success with others?

Not necessarily. You can continue to pursue an important aspiration on your own while gaining helpful insights from others about what works for them.

What if I feel motivated enough on my own and don't need to interact with others?

Choosing not to interact is entirely your choice. But even if you gained one helpful nugget of information that transformed your outcome, that would be time well spent!

What if I'm the one providing helpful information to others, and I don't receive the same in return?

There are far more benefits than disbenefits to surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals now. If you don't want to share ideas, then connect with others' passion for what they are keen to accomplish.

Also on Monday

Mutual energy

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal South Node from 23rd to 27th May 2022. Exact 25th May

Your ability to balance personal needs and your ambitions is heightened. You're able to curtail your assertiveness to allow someone to speak openly about what they expect from you. Having a shared goal to focus fervent mutual energy toward is the icing on the proverbial cake!

Does this mean I must listen more than I speak?

There are many benefits to doing so. You know how you can balance your personal needs and ambitions. It's important to allow someone to explain how they can do the same.

Is it possible that I feel assertive because my way of doing something is right?

You might have the right idea about how you and somebody can accomplish something. But you owe them a chance to explain their point of view.

What if I end up investing more effort toward this goal than someone else does?

That's what you have a chance to address now. You and they can ensure that effort is balanced from the outset.

Tuesday 24th May

The force is strong

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Mars from 24th to 28th May 2022. Exact 26th May

Some people believe that the best way to win an argument is to shout louder than the other person. Others adhere to a saying about 'whoever shouts loudest is heard.' Being overly defensive or argumentative is something you may need to keep an eye on now.

If I feel I must make a point passionately, then is that not the best way to ensure I'm understood?

The only thing anybody you make your point to will understand is the need to become defensive. That does not help your cause.

Will I get more respect if I'm seen to be more assertive?

Being assertive is one thing, but being confrontational or aggressive is another. Creating tension or enhancing defensiveness on anyone's part won't gain you respect.

But might I appear weak if I don't take a stand or defend my point?

Real strength will be obvious to anyone if you're seen to be flexible, accommodating, and willing to compromise. That also includes being willing to listen.

Thursday 26th May

Leave emotions out of it

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Mercury from 26th to 29th May 2022. Exact 28th May

Emotions are likely to run high at this time, especially on your part. You could instigate a discussion that you'll end up wishing you hadn't. As tempting as it might be to release frustration toward a certain person, accept that is precisely what you'll be doing. If you want to make a point, then keep your emotions in check.

But won't I make my point more effectively if I allow emotions to underpin it?

Anyone you express yourself to is likely to respond more positively if you do so calmly. Your words could be unintentionally aggressive or barbed.

But if I feel frustrated by a certain person's actions, then is it not fair to say they are to blame for how I feel?

It's possible. But what you have is a chance to accept that there is a right and wrong way of making that point and dealing with the situation. The wrong way involves aggressiveness.

Might an argument be helpful if it clears the air?

Possibly, but ask yourself how prepared you are to offer an apology for instigating it!

Saturday 28th May

A reward for being brave

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mars from 28th to 30th May 2022. Exact 29th May

You could be asked to 'accept the impossible.' You want to give in to indulgence but are aware of how common sense dictates that you would be foolish to make a hasty or risky move. It is time to be strong, proud, daring, ambitious, and, above all else, confident. If you can manage all of the above, then natural processes unfolding will restore your faith and spur you on to make something wonderful, heart-warming, and long-lasting happen.

Am I encouraged to be adventurous and enjoy myself but restrained at the same time?

You appear to have answered your own question.

Am I likely to venture into new and adventurous territory?

That could be exactly where you're heading.

But am I at risk of being in any way reckless or careless?

That possibility exists. But both qualities can be curtailed if you remain confident instead of overzealous.

Forecast for June 2022

Friday 3rd June

Fixing it properly

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Saturn from 3rd to 7th June 2022. Exact 5th June

In your world now, there is something you must improve or 'fix.' Look closely at what the issue is, how it came about, and the most effective way to put it right. You can do it - and then move on.

How will I know if I'm applying a short-term or long-term solution?

Be guided by your instincts. As long as you assess a situation calmly and practically, then the right solution will present itself.

What if I'm unable to get to the bottom of how a situation that requires improving or fixing arose?

The more practically you view the situation, the easier it will be to trace it back to its source.

How might I prevent this situation from arising again?

You can be certain that, when you discover the solution, that there will be a lesson contained in it somewhere to help you to nip a similar problem in the bud in the future!

Monday 6th June

The secret to happiness

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Sun from 6th to 8th June 2022. Exact 7th June

Is there a recipe for happiness? Do we need to stick to a rigid plan to be happy? You have much support available to attain what many people spend lifetimes trying to find or manifest – happiness! You have a rare opportunity to experience a rise in your status in more than one person's eyes. But it is one person in particular who looks set to see you in a much different and positive way.

What if I reach a stage where I should be happy but am aware that I could be happier?

Slow down! Get to that stage first before you decide if you don't feel content. (But chances are, you will. )

Does a rise in my status mean that I could be seen as a leader?

Possibly but not necessarily in a traditional or an obvious sense. You could gain more admiration from others, which makes you a leader in other ways.

Who is the most obvious person that will see me in a new positive light?

Only you know the answer to that question - and if you don't, then the answer looks set to become obvious soon!

Wednesday 8th June

Curb your enthusiasm

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Jupiter from 8th to 11th June 2022. Exact 10th June

If you're planning on standing up for yourself in some way, then wait a little bit longer before doing so. The chances are high that you could take a contested issue to an extreme and make it unnecessarily complicated. Channel your passion into more supportive - and less offensive - ways.

What if I believe that excessive assertiveness is needed to make my point?

You might be unaware of how over-the-top you go with doing so. Be assured that others won't.

But isn't assertiveness needed to gain respect?

Others will respect your belief in what you say or convey. But they won't appreciate aggressive confrontation.

But if a need exists for me to stand up for myself or make a point, then does waiting to do so make it more complicated?

You will likely find that you'll make much better progress by allowing aggressive passion to simmer before applying it!

Monday 13th June

Remove barriers

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Moon from 13th to 15th June 2022. Exact 15th June

You're probably aware of how your emotions are softened but could believe you must be fearful of exposing yourself emotionally. There are questions you want answers to now. To receive them, you're going to have to make yourself a bit vulnerable. But you will discover that the act of doing so will be enormously helpful and pivotal.

If I'm fearful of exposing myself emotionally, is that because I've been hurt in the past?

Possibly. But it probably has more to do with an unjustified fear of being hurt in the present.

What if I find it difficult to make myself vulnerable?

It's by allowing 'the real you' to shine that tangible and heartwarming progress can be made.

If I make myself vulnerable or open to somebody, is it likely they'll do the same?

That's very likely.

Tuesday 14th June

Cooperation is key

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 14th to 16th June 2022. Exact 15th June

You are likely adopting a contrary point of view in some way. You know that to get what – or whom – you want, you don't have to be heavy-handed. Encourage peace and harmony, and you'll discover it will prevail over any tension. To make progress on personal or romantic fronts, be seen to be approachable and willing to compromise where necessary. The key to progress now relies entirely upon cooperation.

But if I'm in any way contrary, then presumably, that's because I believe I have a good reason to be?

Not necessarily. It could be due to your determination to make a point - and get your way.

What if I struggle to summon or encourage peace and harmony?

Give it a go. See what happens. You could be surprised.

If I'm seen as cooperative, then will I find others will be the same?

With the right levels of sensitivity and a willingness on your part to compromise, that shouldn't pose a problem.

Saturday 18th June

Bigger picture

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Uranus from 18th to 20th June 2022. Exact 19th June

Are you aware of your heart beating noticeably faster? Are you also aware of what's making you feel restless or causing a bit more tension in your world than you wish there was? What needs to be removed is indecision, uncertainty, and denial. Avoid a tendency to focus so intently on immediate dramas. Look instead at a bigger picture. This includes the development you yearn to happen in your love life or financially. Keep reaching for it because it is genuinely attainable.

Is it possible that I'm responsible for creating tension in my world?

It is possible - but only because you view a situation negatively or pessimistically.

But if I feel indecisive or uncertain, then isn't that for a good reason?

You could be dealing with volatile situations. Once these settle, you will feel more decisive and secure.

What if I'm pinning too much hope on the development I want to happen?

If your heart truly supports it, then it is achievable.

Sunday 19th June

More than you can chew

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Venus from 19th to 22nd June 2022. Exact 21st June

Your attraction levels are high now. Your creative and financial prospects are enhanced. But be careful with your charisma. It's what you convey without words that needs to be monitored and could cause you to overindulge - or overcommit yourself.

What if I can't help emitting an attractive or charismatic vibe?

There's nothing wrong with doing so. What you need to guard against is using your vibe negatively or unhelpfully.

How is it possible that I'm able to overcommit without words?

Be acutely aware of how your actions could do your talking for you!

Is it possible someone could misinterpret the vibe I'm emitting?

That is possible. Bear that in mind if flirting forms any part of your agenda!

Also on Sunday

Sharing in measured doses

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Ascendant from 19th to 22nd June 2022. Exact 21st June

Consider instead how much you ought to share and why. You could find yourself having to give more than you ought to in some way and in ways that benefit someone more than you. Trust your instincts to help you determine how much someone deserves or is entitled to.

Am I at risk of being taken advantage of?

Not necessarily. But you could set an unhelpful precedent in terms of what you give and receive in return.

Why might I feel pressured to draw this line?

You could be dealing with a situation that has gone on for some time. It could be your pride that is at stake.

But if life is supposed to be about giving, why am I encouraged to curtail would I give?

You're encouraged to be practical, not selfish.

Monday 20th June

Listening is key

Transiting Mars Squares your natal MidHeaven from 20th to 24th June 2022. Exact 23rd June

This could be a time when you address certain needs - and whether someone can satisfy them. By taking the initiative and making clear what you need and why you need it, you give someone the chance to do the same. Provided you're both willing to listen, then a compromise can be reached.

If I believe someone can't satisfy my needs or they're overlooked, then is there any point in having this discussion?

You have a choice about whether this exchange happens. But if you do want to make an improvement, then you have a chance now to make clear what you think and feel.

Am I at risk of being seen to be needy or demanding?

If you state what you need authentically, then you won't be seen as unreasonable.

What if I find somebody's needs to be too demanding?

The purpose of this exchange is to reach a compromise. That's what's on offer if you and someone are receptive to reaching it.

Tuesday 21st June

Unfamiliar and exciting

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Neptune from 21st to 25th June 2022. Exact 23rd June

People often speak about a need to 'look before we leap.' Of course, this makes sense. We want to know how safe it is before we do something so rash. But you have an excellent opportunity to trust how 'leaping into the unknown' can take you into unfamiliar but exciting territory.

Shouldn't I apply some caution before taking this leap?

You're not encouraged to do anything reckless or irresponsible now. But you are encouraged to be led by your instincts regarding the potential that exists with something unexplored or untried.

What if I find the unfamiliar territory to be more daunting than exciting?

Once you spot the opportunities that exist within it, you'll be glad you took the bold step.

Woke this bring a wave of change and upheaval to deal with?

There will be some adjusting to do, but it's the way you're freeing yourself from a particular comfort zone that's most important now.

Wednesday 22nd June

Faith restoration

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mars from 22nd to 25th June 2022. Exact 24th June

There is something you believed you were once very sure of. Now, it appears to have reservations about whatever-it-is. The good news is, very soon, your faith and confidence will be restored. The even better news is your faith and confidence look set to be higher and stronger than they were previously.

Then if I have reservations or doubts, presumably, they exist for a good reason?

Not necessarily. You're gaining a new perspective on an old matter.

How soon will my faith and confidence be restored?

That will happen once a new level of clarity finds you. It's doing its best to do so.

Will I know how to apply the new levels of faith and confidence coming my way?

Not only will you know how to apply both, but you'll be impressed with the results!

Also on Wednesday

Lose excess baggage

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Pluto from 22nd to 26th June 2022. Exact 24th June

How much does something really matter? How important is a concern that you appear to be nurturing? To improve a situation, release the negativity associated with it. If you can shake off the concern that weighs and slows you down, then you can make delightful progress.

Is it possible that a worry and concern exists for a good reason?

Passion and obsession are your enemies now. You could be reacting too passionately or too obsessively toward something.

But if something genuinely matters to me, then shouldn't I react or respond as passionately as possible toward it?

Passion, if applied constructively, can be beneficial. But if it fuels an unjustified concern, then it needs to be curtailed.

Is it possible that, by being motivated by a worry, I will make more progress than if I reacted or responded calmly?

What you're pursuing now requires positive energy, not negative energy.

Thursday 23th June

Nothing like a 'Eureka Moment'

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mercury from 23rd to 25th June 2022. Exact 24th June

A discovery awaits you. You're about to be blessed with ingenuity. There's no need for you to work harder or smarter. Whatever plans or ideas come to light will be simple, obvious, and effective.
Where your relationships are concerned, you're about to see how using your imagination will allow you to gain valuable insight into a problem and how you can then explore new ground. This is a time to believe in magic. Let a wonderful discovery reveal itself.

What if this discovery involves making a change I don't want to make?

You're not obliged to make any change. But the discovery or epiphany coming your way could be inspiring enough for you to want to take a particular step.

Will I feel nervous exploring this new ground?

That's difficult to say, but your curiosity could lead you in a way that intrigues and possibly thrills you.

Could I end up being disappointed?

Only if you don't open your mind to the possibilities on offer. They not only offer valuable insights but can be integral to you forming or strengthening a special relationship now.

Tuesday 28th June

Leave serendipity out of it

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Saturn from 28th June 2022 to 1st July 2022. Exact 30th June

You have a particular goal in mind. There is undoubtedly something you yearn to happen. You're aware that, to achieve this, you must take a chance. A heartwarming development is on offer if you ensure the right kind of disciplined preparations are in place first. Take a brave step forward in the knowledge that you're not leaving a result to happen entirely by chance.

What if I have numerous goals in mind or want to see several developments happen?

Then it's likely your attention will be drawn to one in particular.

Am I at risk of overplanning?

Probably not. You're likely to get the balance right between getting the right foundations in place while leaving some room for creativity and spontaneity.

If I get all the preparations in place, does that mean the step I take is more likely to be successful?

You hit the nail squarely on the head.

Forecast for July 2022

Friday 1st July

Let the real you emerge

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Sun from 1st to 3rd July 2022. Exact 2nd July

Try to muster more self-respect and dignity. That doesn't mean you have a specific reason to be more self-respectful, but neither does it mean one isn't being created. If you want to emerge from any situation with the ability to walk tall and proud, then abandon concerns about how you look in the eyes of others. Trust what you feel to be right, and don't succumb to any pressure from certain people about what you should feel.

What if I believe I possess enough self-respect and dignity already?

Then you shouldn't struggle to apply both in ways they're needed now.

What if I'm unconcerned about how I appear in the eyes of others?

That might be the case normally, but it may not be the case now.

Does this mean others believe they know what's best for me?

It's possible, but that could be due to you suppressing authentic qualities that need to emerge. The more others see the real you, the more they'll probably give you the space you need.

Also on Friday

Dare to dream

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Jupiter from 1st to 4th July 2022. Exact 3rd July

Do you dare to dream? Do you risk pursuing any of the wild ideas likely occupying your thoughts now? The answer to both questions is undoubtedly 'yes.' Dream as much as you dare to. Entertain as many of the wild ideas as you can because, in your relationship world now, one or two dreams or ideas will lead you toward a very clever move.

What if I'm coming up with ridiculously ludicrous dreams that don't stand a chance of becoming real?

You are probably realistic enough to accept that not every one of your mind's creations will become real. But don't rule out the possibility of at least one moving from the realms of fantasy into something tangible.

Does this mean I might be wise to look for clues in my dreams or subconscious?

Absolutely. Keeping a journal might not be a bad idea, either. Some dreams will undoubtedly be excessive or unachievable, but you can be certain others won't be.

Will this clever move be apparent immediately, or will it take time for me to discover it was clever?

You have a chance to think it through before you make or take it. You will also feel reassured that it is wise, helpful, and timely.

Monday 4th July

Honest appraisal

Transiting Mars Squares your natal North Node from 4th to 7th July 2022. Exact 6th July

You could see reasons to dig your heels in and be less accommodating. But does that really benefit you? That's a question you need to ask yourself now.

If I'm being stubborn, then presumably it's for a good reason?

Your stubbornness could conceal a fear. Consider that.

Is it possible that stubbornness on my part reflects my determination to do something my way?

It's possible. But be honest with yourself about how you delay progress by not taking the initiative or being open-minded in some way.

Will digging my heels in send out a message to others that I can't be taken advantage of?

Doing so is likely to make you appear unnecessarily inflexible and defensive. You could end up pushing away the support you might need now or in the future.

Also on Monday

Owning up

Transiting Mars Squares your natal South Node from 4th to 7th July 2022. Exact 6th July

Everyone has regrets, bitterness, insecurities that need to be worked through. However, this is a time when you must not only own up to each but take positive steps to free you from nurtured defensiveness that may have turned into aggressiveness.

What if I find aggressiveness comforting and don't want to remove it?

You have a chance to release suppressed negative energy. Aggressiveness should not be top of your list.

What if I have found that nurturing aggressiveness has prevented others from hurting me?

By doing so, you may have kept at bay anyone who intended to do that. But it's essential to accept how you also prevent others who want to bring love and warmth into your world from doing so.

What if I'm still reeling from a painful episode that needs and deserves to be protected by aggressiveness?

You have a chance to not only see any painful episode in the right perspective but to understand the benefits of freeing yourself from it or them.

Tuesday 5th July

Step back quietly

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Mars from 5th to 8th July 2022. Exact 7th July

You can sidestep an argument and make real, tangible progress by counting to ten and refraining from responding in a way someone expects you to respond. Be sensitive and as understanding as you can possibly be.

But if I feel provoked, then should I make this clear?

Your instincts will guide you toward reacting and responding in the right way. Doing so aggressively or confrontationally shouldn't be an option.

If I'm sensitive and understanding with someone, then will they be the same with me?

You're likely to receive what you give now. If you want sensitivity and understanding to come your way, then offer both unconditionally.

Does the fact that I must count to ten and consider my reaction mean that I am likely to be the catalyst for confrontation?

You've hit the nail on the head!

Friday 8th July

Begging to be noticed

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Venus from 8th to 10th July 2022. Exact 9th July

Would you like to experience a breakthrough? Does the thought of being offered a chance to instigate a new and different plan in your personal world hold any appeal? You're in an excellent position to experience both. For this to happen, heed the idea that is begging you to notice it. If you are willing to see how much potential is on offer by seizing an opportunity, then something heart-warming can make its way to you.

What if I find this new plan to be more disruptive than helpful?

That's only likely to be the case if you rush into it without looking closely at what it needs and wants from you.

What if I don't spot the potential on offer immediately?

Then that's not necessarily bad. It means you will have to look more closely to identify this opportunity, which means you have considered it properly.

Has this opportunity been begging to be noticed for some time or only recently?

That's difficult to say. However, because it needs you to notice it means it has something to offer here and now. The fact it wants your attention now is not a coincidence - and is likely very timely!

Also on Friday

Personal popularity

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Ascendant from 8th to 10th July 2022. Exact 9th July

You're in a superb position to create your own 'self-image'; how you're seen in the eyes of those who know you and who, from a noticeable sense of ease and self-worth, want to know you. You don't need to go to great lengths to impress anyone. You need only be yourself to meet new and interesting people. You probably won't have to look hard to identify those whose interests are of the romantic variety, either!

What if I'm happy with my self-image as it is?

Then you don't need to do anything with it if you're happy with how you convey or project yourself externally. But there may be some internal work that needs doing that could improve it further.

What if I'm not receptive to meeting new people?

Circumstances could push you to do so. Even if there's a tiny bit of intrigue attached to meeting new people, you should pursue it.

What if I'm not interested in forming potential romantic connections?

Then that is entirely your choice. You're not forced to do so. Just remember the old saying about how often we regret what we don't do, though.

Saturday 9th July

Balancing practicality with magic

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Neptune from 9th to 12th July 2022. Exact 11th July

You need to create a balance between applying imagination and sensibility to a particular issue. Your head is conveying one message, yet your heart has a different agenda. It's important to see a situation involving someone else by removing rose-tinted glasses. Be creative, be imaginative but keep both feet on the ground while doing so.

Doesn't being sensible dilute any magic within what's occurring?

For magic to manifest, it needs grounding. That's what sensibility offers.

What does 'rose-tinted glasses' mean?

It means you see something unrealistically or idealistically.

What if my imagination is often more powerful if it's not grounded?

Your imagination will benefit more from you being tethered to reality in some way now. That's what's needed to turn a dream or vision into something real.

Sunday 10th July

Bring it out into the open

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 10th to 12th July 2022. Exact 11th July

People talk about 'skeletons' residing 'in closets.' They speak of issues swept under carpets. Your attention is now drawn to a fact that must be faced. You can ignore it for a little while longer. But be assured that, very soon, you will have to give it attention. When this happens, it will be good news.

Is this fact that must be faced likely to be uncomfortable or painful?

That's unlikely. Even if there is any discomfort, it will be brief because what comes to light intends to bring something pleasing, hopeful, and inspiring.

Is whatever is brought to light something I may have encountered or experienced previously?

That's difficult to say, but even if it isn't, you're about to gain a valuable insight that could come in handy in the future.

Will it be immediately obvious that what comes to light is helpful or good news?

That depends on how courageous you are with facing what needs to be faced. The longer you dance around a particular issue or avoid facing it, the more you delay the helpful development on offer.

Monday 18th July

Facing what needs to be faced

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mercury from 18th to 20th July 2022. Exact 19th July

You must accept how, by ignoring something that needs to be acknowledged, you're not coming close to creating a solution. By denying the existence of a problem, you also deny yourself an opportunity to take constructive action to remedy it. Deal with what you are trying to ignore. It isn't as daunting as it appears. Life will become sweeter once you have faced what needs facing.

Is it possible I'm dealing with something that I don't believe a solution exists for?

For reasons known best to yourself, you're adopting a negative or pessimistic view toward something that should be seen positively and optimistically.

But is it possible I'm choosing to ignore whatever-it-is because it offers something painful or upsetting?

Only you know why you're ignoring what you're ignoring. You have a chance now to see it through a more positive lens.

But if I believe it to be daunting, then is it not fair to say it is daunting?

It probably only appears that way because you choose to see it that way. You think you're dealing with a Bengal Tiger, but what you're really dealing with is a kitten!

Wednesday 20th July

Special and worthwhile

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Sun from 20th to 24th July 2022. Exact 22nd July

Sometimes, we need a challenge to make a result worthier of attaining. You could be applying intense focus to achieving a particular result. Trust that the effort required to achieve it is not misplaced. You're superbly placed to make something special and very worthwhile happen now.

Do I know what this ambition or aspiration is, or has it yet to reveal itself?

You probably don't need to look too deeply within yourself to connect with what truly inspires you now.

Does the challenge mentioned mean that success will be difficult to achieve?

Not necessarily. You have an abundance of passion energy to apply to overcome any challenge. Don't be daunted by it.

What if I find the effort I invest doesn't bring an immediate result?

There's no guarantee that a result will be immediate. But you will likely start to see how you take strides instead of steps in a particular area now or shortly.

Saturday 23th July

A boundary needs pushing

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Saturn from 23rd to 26th July 2022. Exact 25th July

It's time to assess what you believe to be impossible or immovable and see how far you can exceed an expectation. Look closely at what you have available and how, with effort, imagination, and a healthy dose of courage, you can improve what you have. Accept what - or who - you truly want and remove the idea of failure of getting it or them. Be brave - and willing to push your luck.

What if I'm setting my sights too high by trying to exceed an expectation?

Chances are, you've grown accustomed to particular boundaries or restrictions. It's time to push both.

Will the process of improving what I have be lengthy?

It might not be immediate, but you can accelerate it with the right balance of courage and imagination.

What if I pushed my luck in the past and regretted doing so?

That was then, and this is now. A calculated risk taken now could be extremely beneficial.

Tuesday 26th July

Confidence in measured doses

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Jupiter from 26th to 28th July 2022. Exact 28th July

You can cause much to happen with the sheer force of your will. This, combined with an ability to be smart and lucky, puts you in a strong position. But avoid any tendency to be unnecessarily forceful or overly determined. Where your relationships with certain people – and likely one person in particular – are concerned, you can achieve a spectacular result. Be realistic and confident. But not too confident!

But if I'm trying to make something happen through sheer force of will, then does that mean I'm trying too hard?

Not necessarily. You probably have an accurate understanding of how much force to apply to make progress in any way.

But can I still be at risk of being unnecessarily forceful?

There's a balance to be found between being confident and forceful. It's your confidence that you need to be guided by, not your ability to be overly-determined.

Is it possible to be too confident?

It is, especially when any level of complacency sets in. Your efforts need to be consistent and measured, not excessive.

Also on Tuesday

It's moving forward

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Sun from 26th to 28th July 2022. Exact 27th July

In your world now, you probably suspect you're standing still. You're not. You are making real and tangible progress. You probably suspect a certain situation is far from ideal and makes little sense. Actually, it is ideal and makes a lot of sense. This is a time to look closely at what appears imperfect and discover that there is a real reason to believe you're much closer to the desired scenario than you probably believe.

But how will I spot the clues if they're not already apparent?

You need to look at your current circumstances from a different perspective.

How is it likely that something that hasn't made sense will suddenly make sense?

With this new perspective in place, you will see what you haven't seen previously.

Will I know how to use and apply these insights when they arrive?

The new information that arrives will empower you in new ways. And a new way forward will become clear.

Forecast for August 2022

Monday 1st August

Quest for perfection

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Venus from 1st to 4th August 2022. Exact 3rd August

Things might not be as smooth and comfortable as you'd like them to be. But the drama you sense looming is unlikely to be anywhere near as tense, important, or threatening as it appears, either. All you need to do to bring a near-perfect result in your relationship world is refrain from worrying or trying too hard to achieve perfection where 'near perfection' will suffice!

What if I discover that the drama I sense looming turns out to be worse than I anticipated?

You need to be honest with yourself about why you're determined to create perfection in some way. The higher you set your expectations, the more intense the drama might be.

What if I believe that any worrying on my part is justified?

There is a connection between setting your expectations too high and worrying. Lower your expectations and then see how your worries diminish as well.

What if I don't believe 'near perfection' will suffice?

Then you may need to be brutally honest with yourself about why you're so obsessed with achieving perfection. Remember, perfection is an illusion. Even when we believe we have achieved it, there's always room for improvement. Life's too short to get so fixated on something that doesn't exist.

Tuesday 2nd August

What you give, you'll receive

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Moon from 2nd to 4th August 2022. Exact 4th August

Even if you feel you're reaching the end of your proverbial tether, by being sensitive and supportive, you will find your tether can stretch further than you thought it would. It's a case of 'doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.' If there's a particular person you want to get closer to, then you'll discover they're likely to respond with whatever you offer them.

What if I struggle to be sensitive and supportive?

If you're willing to be a bit more flexible, then you shouldn't find being both is a problem.

What if I find that my efforts to help or support others aren't reciprocated?

If your efforts are authentic and heartfelt, then anyone you focus them on will likely be aware of this.

Will I have to wait long for somebody to respond in the way I want them to?

That's difficult to say, but the more affectionate and supportive you are, the easier you'll make it for somebody to respond - and in the way you want them to!

Also on Tuesday

Everyone has an opinion

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Moon from 2nd to 6th August 2022. Exact 5th August

What started as a cooperative venture may have become strained or divided due to a difference of opinion. You know, in your heart, what is right and makes sense. Trust that, in time, others who can't see or feel what you feel will do so soon.

Do I need to do or say anything to help someone or others to see or feel what I see or feel?

Keeping the lines of communication open will be very helpful. Calm and supportive discussions or exchanges are needed. Above all, be willing to listen.

Is it possible that common ground can be found?

That's exactly what you and at least one other person are encouraged to find now!

Is it possible that this difference of opinion may have harmed an arrangement or a relationship?

That's unlikely. You could discover that, once common ground is found, an arrangement or a relationship has improved or strengthened as a result.

Also on Tuesday

Look no further than a mirror

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Ascendant from 2nd to 4th August 2022. Exact 3rd August

Even if you wrongly believe you aren't 'measuring up' to someone else's ideas of attractiveness, have faith in how you are attracting the right attention from the determination you are showing in some way. You know something or someone worth having is worth giving proper effort toward – and that, in itself, is attractive!

But am I likely to appear to be struggling rather than determined in others' eyes?

Your determination will probably more evident than any sign of a struggle.

Am I kidding myself about what the reward will be from investing so much effort?

That's very unlikely.

What will be so attractive about me being determined to get something or someone?

Obvious passion underpins your efforts. You want whatever or whoever it is from the depths of your heart. We don't see that often.

Wednesday 3rd August

Pushing obsession aside

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 3rd to 6th August 2022. Exact 5th August

You're encouraged strongly to make a choice. To do this, you must accept what or who might have become an obsession and why you need to be more objective. This is a time to gain perspective and make decisions based on fact or at least what feels truly right and sensible, and not be bullied into following a path of least resistance because it appears an easier option.

What if I don't believe I've become obsessive and believe instead that I'm determined?

Ah, that's where the line could be blurred. Determination may have become obsessiveness.

What if I want to take an easy option?

Then you're likely to return at some point soon to consider or pursue a more challenging one.

What if I'm misinterpreting what appears right and sensible?

If you're able to push obsession aside, then you'll probably find that you can focus easily on what is both right and sensible.

Also on Wednesday

Commanding respect

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 3rd to 7th August 2022. Exact 6th August

You have an excellent opportunity to gain respect in the eyes of certain others – or a certain person. But be prepared to invest some effort to prove your worthiness. You could find more than one person responds positively - and respects you for doing so!

Why must I prove that I'm worthy of respect?

You could be in a situation where others understand and accept why you might deserve it. You have a chance to confirm why you do.

Should I focus more on doing what makes me feel proud rather than making others proud?

Allow yourself to be motivated by what inspires you. But you can be certain that any result that pleases you will be met with a positive response from others.

If I prove that I'm worthy of respect, will I be offered more influence that I currently have?

That's likely. Your actions or a result you achieve will reassure others that they're in safe hands with you.

Also on Wednesday

Enhancing worlds

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven from 3rd to 5th August 2022. Exact 4th August

Avoid trying to live up to anyone else's expectations of what you could or should be. Even if you believe you possess no creative or artistic talents, at least be willing to be led by your imagination. You hold strong influence. Use it to enhance your and others' worlds with levels of beauty and peace you convey effortlessly. Be yourself and also allow romantic opportunities to come to you. That way, you won't have to seek them.

What if my influence comes across as more forceful than helpful?

It's probably underpinned with enough sensitivity to ensure that doesn't happen.

What if my idea about what's needed to enhance others' worlds differs from what they want?

You bring enough warmth and comfort to any discussions that will enable you to gain trust and connect with others properly.

What if I'm not interested in romantic opportunities coming my way?

You're clearly not forced to accept anything you don't want. But don't rule out the possibility of changing your mind.

Friday 5th August

Confidently but sensitively

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Chiron from 5th to 9th August 2022. Exact 8th August

Expressing needs and desires could be done in an unintentionally heavy-handed or possibly aggressive way. It is possible to convey both too passionately. What you feel and your need to express or convey this is natural. Healing or strengthening a particular relationship requires it to be done confidently but sensitively.

Is passion essential with making clear what I think or feel?

It could be helpful as long as it's applied in measured doses.

Is this a good time to offer an apology where one is needed?

As long as the recipient believes it comes from the depths of your heart, then the time is ideal.

Is the onus on me to make an effort, or is it possible that someone might want to make amends with me?

You're likely encouraged to take the initiative. But don't underestimate how this could be the catalyst to someone summoning the courage to do the same.

Sunday 7th August

The power of imagination

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Uranus from 7th to 9th August 2022. Exact 8th August

Sometimes, to make progress when we feel we're struggling, we have no option other than to apply creative thinking. By adopting an open mind and being willing to apply imagination, you can set your personal, emotional, or romantic life on a firmer, more meaningful - and hopefully less stressful – footing.

What if I don't believe myself to be open-minded or imaginative?

Then you look set to be reminded or discover how open-minded and imaginative you are - or can be!

Will the new footing I create in my world be temporary or permanent?

That depends on how badly you want it and how much effort you invest in putting it in place.

Why is this footing likely to be less stressful?

It's likely to be more robust and less flimsy, put it that way. That, as you're likely to discover, will reduce your frustration and stress levels.

Thursday 11th August

Be drawn

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Mars from 11th to 13th August 2022. Exact 12th August

A positive process is unfolding, and this involves someone who needs you or a way in which you are 'required.' So, make yourself available. Don't resist how you are drawn to what or who needs you now. What appears challenging will, soon enough, become pleasing and comfortable.

What if I want to feel more than needed or required?

That can happen. But be willing to respond to somebody who does need or require you!

Are my efforts to assist or support somebody likely to be reciprocated?

Perhaps not directly, but you will have reasons to feel that a bond is strengthening or flourishing.

What if I've grown used to the challenging situation surrounding this?

Then you could be surprised at delighted with what becomes pleasing and comfortable about it.

Also on Thursday

Going solo

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Uranus from 11th to 15th August 2022. Exact 14th August

If a job is worth doing, then many of us believe it should be done singlehandedly and without help from others. As willing as a certain person might be to lend a hand, you'd probably do a better job by explaining you intend to go solo where a task is concerned.

Am I at risk of regretting not accepting help when it was offered?

What your faced with now is a need to pursue something your way and to put your unique stamp on it. That doesn't mean you should refuse all offers of help. But there is unlikely to be a need to collaborate.

What if someone has helpful or useful ideas to contribute?

Then that could give them some level of ownership with what you are keen to pursue or make happen. You possess an unusually intense focus on what you're keen to achieve. You are probably not short of ideas, either.

Are there not benefits to me of using people I trust as 'sounding boards' as I pursue whatever-it-is?

That could be helpful at times. But your instincts could do as good a job as advice or input from others.

Friday 12th August

A brainwave

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mercury from 12th to 14th August 2022. Exact 13th August

Powerful forces are being unleashed in your life. You're not quite sure how you ought to be acknowledging or adapting to them. Let the solution that is determined to make its way to you come to you and then embrace it. It is precisely what you need now.

But am I not likely to be powerless against these powerful forces?

Not at all. They exist to help and support you.

But if I wait for a solution to come to me, then does that mean I will wait a long time?

That's difficult to say, but trust that this solution is trying its darndest to find you.

When it arrives, will I be able to see immediately that it's what I need?

That's likely to be the case.

Wednesday 17th August

Look closely at what's good

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Saturn from 17th to 19th August 2022. Exact 18th August

You might not be able to change an undesirable situation, but you can change your attitude toward it. If you're willing to look closely at what is good in a situation you're inclined to believe is more tedious or uninspiring, then you will soon see it from a much more positive perspective.

What if I adopt the wrong attitude toward this situation?

You're likely to adopt a more realistic attitude - and that's what will be the right one.

But if I see something as tedious or uninspiring, then shouldn't I take a drastic step to change it?

You can change it but not drastically. You just need to spot what's helpful within it as it is.

How soon will this new, helpful perspective arrive?

That depends on how soon you're willing to look beyond what's obvious at what's positive.

Friday 19th August

Joining forces

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal North Node from 19th to 23rd August 2022. Exact 21st August

There is a need for you to be a bit more flexible or accommodating than you're perhaps used to being where your involvement or interaction with someone is concerned. Whatever competition exists now can be healthy, it needn't be negative.

What if my reason for appearing inflexible or unaccommodating stems from a belief that I am right?

You could be right. But someone could have a valid point as well. That's why common ground needs to be found.

But if I and someone spend much time trying to find common ground, won't that delay the result we both want?

A perfect result relies on you and someone bouncing ideas off each other until you arrive at it. This process might require more flexibility on your part to happen.

What if somebody is determined to push their point and not listen to mine?

If anything, it could be the other way around. You may have pushed your point enough already. Now, it's time to listen to someone else's.

Also on Friday

Courageous and determined

Transiting Mars Trines your natal South Node from 19th to 23rd August 2022. Exact 21st August

Your ability to know instinctively how to balance your emotional needs and desires with your most cherished ambitions is heightened now. Perhaps this is the result of having applied numerous trial-and-error approaches to success in the past – or possibly in a previous life. Expect to see how you are more courageous and determined as a result.

If I'm successful with my most cherished ambitions, then won't my emotional needs be taken care of automatically?

You're encouraged to see the distinct line that exists between the two. But you could also see how one supports the other.

Although I might feel more courageous and determined, will I still need to apply a 'trial and error' approach to achieving success?

Yes, that's likely. But don't underestimate how you're armed with more experience-based wisdom now.

Will this wisdom not help me to identify a shortcut to success in some way?

It's unlikely to help you identify a shortcut, but it can certainly help you to overcome obstacles that were unfamiliar to you previously.

Saturday 20th August

Drop barriers

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Mars from 20th to 24th August 2022. Exact 22nd August

You could be aware of how and why you ought to put your needs and desires first. Look closely at how defensiveness might play a part in this. Then, look more closely at why you have no reason to feel so defensive!

If I feel react defensively to putting my needs or desires first, then presumably, it's because I believe others don't take these seriously?

That could play a significant part. But you could be overlooking the levels of support you do have available to you from others.

What reason might I have not to feel so defensive?

Try asking for support from others rather than waiting for it to arrive.

Do I need to make clear what I want or need?

Perhaps you've been waiting for others to put two and two together regarding this. Unless you speak up and make clear how they can assist you, they could assume all is fine.

Also on Saturday

Confidence is key

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 20th to 22nd August 2022. Exact 21st August

We know how attractive confident people can be. We know how attractive we feel when people are appreciative of us and our abilities. You're about to experience a much-needed boost to your confidence. You don't need to find a big 'new' solution. All you need to do is channel confidence into allowing an existing solution to give itself a chance to work – and it will!

What will bring this boost to my confidence?

That could arrive for one of several reasons, but trust that it's happening for a good and timely reason.

What if this solution has failed in the past?

Chances are, it has proved helpful previously and is likely to do so again.

How long will it take before I see evidence of this?

That depends on how able you are to summon the necessary levels of confidence. And you're supported in more than one way to do so!

Monday 22nd August

Make sense of it

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Mercury from 22nd to 26th August 2022. Exact 24th August

Sometimes, we struggle to make a point or convey certain information to others because we struggle to process vast information. Although there could be much you want to say now, it's important to make sense of it before you release it. Don't be concerned about whether you're saying 'the right thing.' You can be certain you are.

If what I intend to say feels right, then does that not mean it makes sense?

That would be the case if you weren't so determined to make your point urgently.

Is it not better to say too much than too little?

Saying too much dilutes the point you're trying to make and confuses the listener. Applying structure to whatever you're keen to convey will make the process much easier.

But is it not better to express myself passionately than rehearse what I intend to say?

It's possible to do both. But unless you apply a mental filter to your message, you could release a verbal avalanche that doesn't bring the desired result.

Friday 26th August

Reasons to be grateful

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Venus from 26th to 28th August 2022. Exact 28th August

It's easy to overlook or ignore completely how beautiful the world in which we live truly is. Too many people regard life as a constant struggle instead of the precious gift it is. Expect, very soon, to see reasons to be grateful for all that is wonderful where your interactions with certain people are concerned. Prepare to be inspired - even if others fail to see what you have to be so happy about!

Am I at risk of seeing something unrealistically or idealistically?

No, you're about to see life or a particular situation through a warmer and more loving lens.

What if I see how wonderful my interactions with others are, but they don't?

That's a clear indication of you seeing magic within certain interactions that they don't yet see.

Why do I sense that I'm at risk of appearing daft or foolish in others' eyes?

You probably won't be able to help feel what you feel but try not to feel too sorry for those who don't understand.

Also on Friday

Taking initiative

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 26th to 28th August 2022. Exact 28th August

We know that, when the going gets tough, the tough are known to get going. Perhaps, you've grown accustomed to wanting something and feel you deserve it. Now, it is probably becoming clear that to attain what – or whom – you want, you have to demonstrate your keenness or worthiness. Don't shy from the challenge offered now. You can make tangible progress with a particular person - and possibly surprise yourself and them at the same time.

What if I know I am both keen and worthy of attaining what I want?

It's the universe you need to confirm this to.

What if the challenge is one I won't succeed with?

If you adopt that attitude, then that's likely to be the case. This is a test you can shine admirably with.

Am I likely to gain more respect?

That is likely - and in the eyes of more than one person, too.

Saturday 27th August

Removing limitations

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Neptune from 27th to 30th August 2022. Exact 29th August

Sometimes, when we experience too much of a good thing, we forget or ignore our limitations! You are extremely well placed now to put your personal or relationship world on a much stronger footing. You can bring a change by applying imagination. Be creative. Be yourself, and you can transform something that has been troublesome into something you will welcome and embrace.

What if I don't believe myself to be imaginative or creative?

Both words don't necessarily relate to anything artistic. They can simply involve you thinking outside the box or being more resourceful in some way. But you must express yourself authentically.

Does this mean there is a solution contained within a problem?

Yes, and it's by opening your mind and being more mentally flexible that you'll spot it.

Does this mean I could put a longstanding problem behind me?

You can certainly overcome it, but it's difficult to say if you'll do so permanently. Should it arise again, you'll have a solution to refer to that you can apply in the future.

Also on Saturday

Emotional release

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Moon from 27th to 29th August 2022. Exact 28th August

You must understand your reasons for releasing a pent-up feeling. The emotional strength surrounding what you've kept concealed is likely stronger than you thought. All of this would be easier if something in your emotional world 'made sense.' The fact it doesn't probably has something to do with how emotionally you're reacting toward it. What's happening now is powerful and necessary. It's also providing a helpful step toward emotional stability you've wanted for some time.

So it's fair to say I've suppressed this intense feeling for some time?

Possibly. But you may have been unaware of how strong it would emerge, regardless of how long you've suppressed it.

So if I dial back my emotional intensity, I could see what doesn't make sense currently in a more sensible light?

I couldn't have put it better myself.

How long will it take before I see or experience emotional stability?

Much depends on how soon you're able to be more trusting in the fact that the universe has your back.

Sunday 28th August

The key to happiness

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Pluto from 28th to 30th August 2022. Exact 30th August

You are granted an exceptional opportunity to be happy. To seize and benefit from this opportunity, all you need to do is stop dwelling on what might go wrong in a situation. Avoid being overly cautious or pessimistic. If you can relax and believe an uncertain situation can and will improve, then you could be surprised at how much quicker happiness permeates your world.

But if I sense something is likely to go wrong, then what if my fear is not unfounded?

It's possible you've told yourself something enough times that you believe it. It's time to adopt a more open mind.

But is it possible my cautiousness or pessimism are justified?

That's unlikely to be the case, and they're probably two of the biggest obstacles you face currently.

What if I allow a situation to improve on its own and discover that it doesn't?

Then you will be going against the grain of what the universe encourages you to do. Listen closely to what it asks.

Wednesday 31st August

Stepping up to the plate

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 31st August 2022 to 2nd September 2022. Exact 2nd September

In some way, you have been restricted and held back for too long. You're aware of what has become unacceptable within a situation or an arrangement. You're granted an ability to express yourself now. While the urge to rebel is likely intensifying, so too is a need to remove yourself from an undesirable scenario. All that appears awkward is helping you to re-evaluate everything. Once done, you will bring about the change you've long wanted to happen.

If I've been aware of what has been unacceptable within a situation or an arrangement for some time, then why am I taking steps to improve it now?

You could find that you're able to express yourself now in ways you haven't been able to previously. This could help you to send a clear message to others as well.

So even if much feels awkward or challenging, can I trust that I'm experiencing both for a reason?

Absolutely. But accept that things might need to become a little bit more chaotic or volatile before they settle or become clearer.

When things become clearer, will I have more faith in the step or action I must take?


Forecast Until 8th September 2022

Friday 2nd September

Keeping your cool

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Saturn from 2nd to 7th September 2022. Exact 5th September

You have a chance to suppress and harness anger or hostility. This will require you to summon patience, discipline, and endurance. To maintain control of a volatile situation, all you need to do is smile, count to ten, and let any tension dissipate. Trust that it doesn't need to be released in any other way.

What if I feel pushed or provoked to release any negative energy?

The more patience, discipline, and endurance you summon, the easier it will be to harness and focus it positively.

But if I adopt a passive stance or turn the other cheek, am I at risk of being taken advantage of?

It's by keeping your cool and remaining disciplined that you can address and deal with the situation calmly and practically.

Won't I gain more respect from others if I make clear how passionately I feel about something?

You'll gain respect if you do so positively. Doing so confrontationally or aggressively won't win you any popularity prizes.

Beyoncé's Planetary Positions

September, 4th 1981 Local Time 10:00 AM Universal Time 3:00 PM

Houston, Texas, United States 29°45'N, 95°21'W

All times based on current location of Houston, United States


North Node











House Cusp Positions











Element Emphasis - Total Points









Modality Emphasis - Total Points







Planetary Weight Point System

Sun & Moon

Mercury, Venus & Mars

Jupiter & Saturn

4 points each
3 points each
2 points each

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Ascendant (Rising Sign)


1 points each
4 points
2 points

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Planet Aspects & Orbs Grid


Harmonious Aspects


Challenging Aspects


Planet Aspect List

Sun Semisextile Jupiter
Moon Semisextile Venus
Moon Conjuncts Uranus
Moon Semisextile Neptune
Moon Semisextile Pluto
Moon Semisextile Ascendant
Moon Trines MidHeaven
Moon Opposes Chiron
Mercury Sextiles Mars
Mercury Conjuncts Saturn
Mercury Sextiles North Node
Venus Semisextile Moon
Venus Conjuncts Jupiter
Venus Sextiles Neptune
Venus Conjuncts Pluto
Venus Conjuncts Ascendant
Venus Squares MidHeaven
Mars Sextiles Mercury
Mars Trines Uranus
Mars Conjuncts North Node
Jupiter Semisextile Sun
Jupiter Conjuncts Venus
Jupiter Conjuncts Saturn
Jupiter Semisquare Uranus
Jupiter Conjuncts Ascendant
Saturn Conjuncts Mercury
Saturn Conjuncts Jupiter
Saturn Sesquiquadrate Chiron
Uranus Conjuncts Moon
Uranus Trines Mars
Uranus Semisquare Jupiter
Uranus Trines MidHeaven
Uranus Trines North Node
Uranus Opposes Chiron
Neptune Semisextile Moon
Neptune Sextiles Venus
Neptune Sextiles Pluto
Neptune Sextiles Ascendant
Neptune Quincunx MidHeaven
Neptune Quincunx Chiron
Pluto Semisextile Moon
Pluto Conjuncts Venus
Pluto Sextiles Neptune
Pluto Conjuncts Ascendant
Pluto Squares MidHeaven
Pluto Quincunx Chiron
Ascendant Semisextile Moon
Ascendant Conjuncts Venus
Ascendant Sextiles Neptune
Ascendant Conjuncts Pluto
Ascendant Squares MidHeaven
MidHeaven Trines Moon
MidHeaven Squares Venus
MidHeaven Trines Uranus
MidHeaven Quincunx Neptune
MidHeaven Squares Pluto
MidHeaven Squares Ascendant
MidHeaven Sextiles Chiron
North Node Sextiles Mercury
North Node Conjuncts Mars
North Node Trines Uranus
Chiron Opposes Moon
Chiron Sesquiquadrate Saturn
Chiron Opposes Uranus
Chiron Quincunx Neptune
Chiron Quincunx Pluto
Chiron Sextiles MidHeaven